Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Shall I Write About?

By Liza Othman
That is the first question that inexperienced writers ask their literary advisers. "If you haven't anything to write about, why write at all?" might be an easy answer. Most persons, as a matter of fact, have plenty to write about but do not realize it. Not lack of subjects, but inability to recognize the possibilities of what lies at hand, is their real difficulty.

The best method of finding subjects is to look at every person, every event, every experience - in short, at everything - with a view to seeing whether or not it has possibilities for a special feature article. Even in the apparently prosaic round of everyday life will be found a variety of themes. A circular letter from a business firm announcing a new policy, a classified advertisement in a newspaper, the complaint of a scrub-woman, a new variety of fruit in the grocer's window, an increase in the price of laundry work, a hurried luncheon at a cafeteria - any of the hundred and one daily experiences may suggest a "live" topic for an article.

"Every foot of ground is five feet deep with subjects; all you have to do is to scratch the surface for one," declared the editor of a popular magazine who is also a successful writer of special articles. This statement may be taken as literally true. Within the narrow confines of one's house and yard, for instance, are many topics. A year's experience with the family budget, a home-made device, an attempt to solve the servant problem, a method of making pin-money, a practical means of economizing in household management, are forms of personal experience that may be made interesting to newspaper and magazine readers. A garden on a city lot, a poultry house in a back yard, a novel form of garage, a new use for a gasoline engine, a labor-saving device on the farm, may afford equally good topics. One's own experience, always a rich field, may be supplemented by experiences of neighbors and friends. A second source of subjects is the daily newspaper. Local news will give the writer clues that he can follow up by visiting the places mentioned, interviewing the persons concerned, and gathering other relevant material. When news comes from a distance, he can write to the persons most likely to have the desired information. In neither case can he be sure, until he has investigated, that an item of news will prove to contain sufficient available material for an article. Many pieces of news, however, are worth running down carefully, for the day's events are rich in possibilities.

Pieces of news as diverse as the following may suggest excellent subjects for special articles: the death of an interesting person, the sale of a building that has historic associations, the meeting of an uncommon group or organization, the approach of the anniversary of an event, the election or appointment of a person to a position, an unusual occupation, an odd accident, an auction, a proposed municipal improvement, the arrival of a well-known person, an official report, a legal decision, an epidemic, the arrest of a noted criminal, the passing of an old custom, the publication of the city directory, a railroad accident, a marked change in fashion in dress.

A third source of both subjects and material is the report of special studies in some field, the form of the report ranging from a paper read at a meeting to a treatise in several volumes. These reports of experiments, surveys, investigations, and other forms of research, are to be found in printed bulletins, monographs, proceedings of organizations, scientific periodicals, and new books. Government publications - federal, state, and local - giving results of investigative work done by bureaus, commissions, and committees, are public documents that may usually be had free of charge. Technical and scientific periodicals and printed proceedings of important organizations are generally available at public libraries.

"If you want to publish something where it will never be read," a wit has observed, "print it in an official document." Government reports are filled with valuable information that remains quite unknown to the average reader unless newspapers and magazines unearth it and present it in popular form. The popularization of the contents of all kinds of scientific and technical publications affords great opportunities for the writer who can present such subjects effectively.

The most radical ideas of our day are not apt to be found in the popular newspaper or in queer little insurrectionary, heretical and propaganda sheets that we occasionally see, but in the technical journals and proceedings of learned societies. The real revolutions are hatched in the laboratory and study. The papers read before the annual meetings of the scientific societies, and for the most part unnoticed by the press, contain more dynamite than was ever discovered in any anarchist's shop. Political revolutions merely change the form of government or the name of the party in power. Scientific revolutions really turn the world over, and it never settles back into its former position.

The beauty of scientific discoveries can be revealed to the general reader if there is an intermediary who can understand equally the language of the laboratory and of the street. The modern journalist knows that anything can be made interesting to anybody, if he takes pains enough with the writing of it. It is not necessary, either, to pervert scientific truths in the process of translation into the vernacular. The facts are sensational enough without any picturesque exaggeration.

The three main sources you can use to find subjects and material for your articles are (1) personal observation and experience, (2) newspapers, (3) scientific and technical publications and official reports.

If you would like to find out more about how to find subjects and materials for your articles, head to

Article Source:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An Easy Way To Write Articles - Learn How To Write a Mind Blowing Article In Just 25-30 Minutes

By Kris Malviya
Writing articles needs practice. Once you know about the basic skills all you need is practice. People write articles to promote their websites, for their company or to promote their business or just to make people aware or spread the word or to help. In this article, you will learn about an easy way to write articles. I will show you a way to write quality articles in about 25 -30 minutes!

Whatever your cause is, people will only read quality articles which they enjoy reading. You want your readers to enjoy, to like you which will ultimately result in people visiting and becoming regular visitors of your website searching for quality articles. Now let me tell you, writing articles is not a difficult task. It' s quite a simple task once you know the basics.

Ok, so here' s an easy way to write articles.

First you need to choose a topic. On what topic are you going to write?

Choose a topic which you are familiar with or experience in or you simply

like it.

After that collect some resources. Go to a search engine(Google for eg.) and

search for about 5- 10 articles related to your topic.

Read them. Increase your knowledge on that topic. But do not copy content.

That will leave your articles duplicate and people and search engines only

like genuine articles.

Write the article in a simple format. Like this-

In the first paragraph tell people what you will tell them in the article. What

the article is all about. Introduce.

Second para- Tell them

Third para- Could include some tips or facts.

Fourth para- Revise. Tell them what you just told them in short.

You can edit the format as you wish. But this basic format makes people read and makes writing articles much simpler for you.

Or you can just make an article full of tips and an introduction and a revision paragraph in the end.

In this article, the first paragraph you see is the introduction. Then comes a little about writing articles. And the third part includes tips because I know people love tips.

If you apply these simple tips while writing articles, your articles will surely find more popularity, love from people and ultimately more profits for you. And, after putting in some practice to this procedure, you will easily be able to write short and sweet articles of about 350- 420 words in 25-30 minutes.

Did you know you could get paid to write articles on the internet? Learn more

To find information and learn new cool stuff about free softwares, the internet, iPods and music players Visit High Tech Dudes

Join us and become a High Tech Dude. Help and information in iPods, music players, free softwares and internet.

*Feel free to publish this article on your website, but do not make any changes in the article and keep all the links active.*

Article Source:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

How to Spice Up Your Articles and Attract More Readers

By Nancy Ayash
I can make you something in 3D; a Pop-Up. Or, I can fold my words into a paper airplane and send them flying into the clouds. Would you prefer elastic? Let me show you how I s-t-r-e-t-c-h words like taffy; then chop them into smaller words; and wrap these tiny morsels with bright candy wrappers; and that’s just the texture of my writing.

Need lots of color? I’ll splash words into blotches of paint; drip it; smudge all the colors just right to form the perfect image. Want it sweet? I’ll create words in large crystal chunks of raw sugar; or melt-in-your-mouth cotton candy. Looking for something hot? I can pepper words with exotic spices you’ve never heard of. Yes, it’s an art; a very fine art; the work of a copywriter.

Unfortunately, I’m not a copywriter; I write content. I’m Sergeant Joe Friday of Dragnet; (dum-dee-dum-dum) “Just the facts ma’am; just the facts.” I’m concerned with time, weather, and all sorts of data. I might live in a black and white world, but I still need that color to keep me from producing wikipedia text. A good content writer must find that sweet spot by combining facts with art. I need to give the reader information, but keep it interesting.

Here are some tips for combining these two forms of writing into an entertaining yet useful article.

• I begin with facts. This is the frame of a good article; it’s the structure upon which I can build my writing. For example, let’s say I’ve chosen the subject of Micro Investing; I need to give the reader a quick over-view of what this means in terms of risk and reward, and how it might benefit the independent investor. I also need to bring the subject into the reader’s awareness in an efficient manner; I must be brief.

• Next, I’ll add support to the framework by introducing data; this gives weight to the article; what defines a penny stock? How do they trade? Does a low share price always equate to low quality? I’ll provide the good, the bad, and the ugly about micro investing.

• At this point I’ll add some copy. This is the sugar and spice within the writing that gives it some zip. Terms like “wild west” and “rowdy cowpokes” come to mind in the land of micro/penny stocks; HIGH risk and BIG rewards; “Thar’s gold in them thar hills.” Perhaps I’ll even throw in a cowboy quote, “Always drink upstream from the herd.”

There’s a bold contrast between mainstream investing and penny stocks, and this presents an opportunity to use copywriting skills.

As a content writer, I have to make the article easy to read, hold the reader’s attention, and give valuable information; all within a confined space. But I also need copy as a glaze to bring out the shine; and that requires some sugar or spice.

Informative articles don’t have to be a pile of old, dried-out wood. They can be very entertaining and lively. Just remember to use copy sparingly; a little goes a long way.

Nancy Ayash is a freelance writer currently residing in the Pacific Northwest.

Article Source:

Friday, November 16, 2007

Why Associated Content won't pay for memoirs

Memoirs are not usually accepted for upfront pay with Associated Content. Memoirs are when you write about your life biography style. There are always exceptions to every rule. One of them is if you are britney spears. In that case, Associated Content would be happy to make an upfront payment for your memoirs. But most of us will not draw in page views like britney spears. Another exception is if you turn your memoirs into something that may help the reader. For example if you write a memoir about how you went to the grocery store. Readers are not going to care and it will not pull in page views. If you write about how you can save money at the grocery store then Associated Content would probably pay for that. Especially if you mention seeing britney spears there as well. Another problem with memoirs are that they are not keyword rich. Write about your life one specific subject at a time for SEO. Use your life experiences to help others. That way you can turn your memoirs into something that would be accepted by Associated Content.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Associated Content

Associated Content is paying about $3 to $6 upfront for every article that is accepted. Each article should be between 400 to 500 words. You will also get paid for page views whether it is submitted for upfront payment or for free. Once you learn what they will pay for, you should have no problem in getting most every article accepted. It helps to understand how Associated Content makes money. Most of their income is derived from Google adsense. Therefore, your articles should have keywords that bring up Google ads. In addition, you should use proper SEO and Latent Semantic Indexing to help bring in traffic. Associated Content likes articles that explain how to do something, product reviews and more.

Monday, November 12, 2007

How Ebay Blogs Can Help You to Advertise Your Auctions

Ebay Blogs is one of the newest features Ebay has to offer. This is great news for sellers on Ebay. You can easily create your own blog to advertise all of your auctions. Ebay Blogs has constant traffic from other Ebay members. You can create a post and within seconds you will see comments from other Ebayers. More attention to your auctions equals more bids.

If you list auctions on a regular basis, you must start an Ebay blog. Last week, I beefed up my blog. Then I made a few comments on other Ebay Blogs after listing a bunch of auctions. The results were remarkable. Every auction I listed sold, and my sales were higher than normal. There is no tracking system in place to verify these bids came from the Ebay blogs. But I believe blogging does help Ebay sales. The blogs are also bringing in additional customers via search engine traffic.

The postings you may find in Ebay blogs are varied. You may write some humorous article that has nothing to do with Ebay at all. This seems to get a lot of attention and comments on my blog. Many people write about the products they are selling. The other day I read a post from a seller that was explaining his wife just left him. He said the only thing that might cheer him up would be bids on his auctions. It is OK to be a little crazy on your Ebay blog.

To start a blog, go to the Ebay community section. Then click on Ebay blogs and start your own blog. In the customize section you can choose what type of blog template you want. To add an avatar, click on view my world and edit image. You have option of changing template or avatar at any time. The add content feature in the view my world section is a useful tool in creating your Ebay blog. This allows you to show all your Ebay listings, biography, guestbook and Ebay neighborhoods. An Ebay neighborhood is a subject of interest that you share with other Ebay bloggers. This might be anything from people that love coffee to animal lovers. You can also embed Youtube, Google video and Ebay To Go on your blog.

If you want to make more money on Ebay, I would definitely recommend creating a blog. Just be careful, Ebay blogs can be addicting. It is easy to spend an evening reading and responding to the constant posting on the blogs.

Ebay Blogs

80 Page guide on creating your own ebook

I am offering this 80 page step by step guide on how to create your own ebook. It covers such things as:
  1. How to select a great topic
  2. Where to find great writers
  3. How to choose the best writer for your project
  4. Where to find an artist to develop great cover art
  5. How to sell your book on the web
  6. Where to find good, online book information

The focus of this book is primarily how to organize the creation of an ebook. It advises using a ghost writer to write the book for you. Useful information! This is an immediate download, priced at only $3.00!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veterans Day

I am thinking about our soldiers so far away from home today. They are in a place that I would never want to be. I want them all to come home safely. I found this anonymous poem on the internet and wanted to share this.

It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician,who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN who has actively served under the Flag, and has preserved and protected our Flag and Who is buried under that Flag that has given us our Freedom - at, in many cases, the ultimate cost!

We love and miss you guys and hope you get to come back home soon!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Top Secret Recipes!

458 TOP SECRET RESTAURANT RECIPES EBOOK! KFC, Applebee's, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell...This is a large collection of the secret ingredients of famous food along with complete recipe to make it at home. Just 3.00 for instant download of ebook with all these recipes! Scroll down the contents to check out all the recipes this book has to offer, and click on the buy button to pay with Paypal. After payment it will take you directly to ebook download page. Thanks!

101st Airborne Beer Cheese Soup
3 Musketeers Bars
A and W Chili Dogs
A and W Onion Rings
A1 Sauce
Almond Bark
Almond Joy Bars
Andouille Sausage
Applebee's Blonde Brownies
Applebee's Lemonade
Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad
Applebee's Baby Back Ribs
Applebee's Bourbon Street Steak
Applebee's Club House Grill Sandwich
Applebee's Spinach Pizza Appetizer
Arby's Barbecue Sauce
Arby's Horsey Sauce
Arthur Treacher's Fish Batter
Aunt Jemima's Pancake Mix
Aunt Jamima Maple Syrup
Auntie Ann's Pretzels
Baby Ruth Bars
Bailey's Original Irish Cream
BB King's BBQ Ribs
Beef Jerky
Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia
Ben and Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream
Ben and Jerry's Fresh Georgia Peach Ice Cream
Ben and Jerry's Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ben and Jerry's NY Super Fudge Chunk
Benihana's Fried Rice
Benihana's Ginger Salad Dressing
Benihana Magic Mustard Sauce
Benihana Shrimp Sauce
Bennigan's Onion Soup
Bennigan's Broccoli Bites
Bennigan's Hot Bacon Dressing
Big Boy's Blue Cheese Dressing
Big Boy's Strawberry Pie
Big-John's Beans 'n Fixin's
Black Angus Garlic Cheese Bread
Black-Eyed Pea's Baked Squash
Black Eyed Pea's Broccoli-Cheese Soup
Black Eyed Pea's Cornbread
Blueberry Lemonade
Bob Evan's Colonial Dressing
Bob Evans Peanut Butter Pie
Bob Evan's Sausage Gravy
Boboli Pizza Crust
Bob's Big Boy
Bojangles Biscuits
Borden's Sweetened Condensed Milk
Boston Market Cranberry Sauce
Boston Market Creamed Spinach
Boston Chicken Macaroni & Cheese
Boston Market Stuffing
Boston Market Chicken
Boston Market Dill Potato Wedges
Boston Market Meatloaf
Boston Market's Sweet Potato Casserole
Bran Flakes
Bread and Butter Pickles
Bread Bowls
Brown Derby's Original Cobb Salad
Buffalo Chicken Wings
Bullseye BBQ Sauce
Burger King Breakfast Sandwiches
Burger King Whopper
Burger King's Big King
Burger King's Hershey Sundae Pie
Cadbury Eggs
Cajun Cafe's Bourbon Chicken
Cake Donuts
California Pizza Kitchen Chicken Tequila Fettucine
California Pizza Kitchen Thai Chicken Pizza
CPK Brocolli and Sun-Dried Tomato Fusilli
California Pizza Kitchen BBQ Chicken Salad
Candy Corn
Carl's Jr Chicken Club
Carl's Jr's Famous Star
Carmel Apples
Carrabba's Mussels In White Wine Sauce
Casa Ole Green Sauce
Cheese Crackers
Cheese Danish
Cheesecake Factory Bruschetta
Cheesecake Factory Key Lime Cheesecake
Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake
Chi-Chi's Baked Chicken Chimichangas
Chi Chi's Margarita Marinade
Chi Chi's Mexican Chicken Salad
Chi Chi's Old West Oven-Fried Chicken
Chi Chi's Pork Tenderloin With Bourbon Sauce
Chi-Chi's Salsa Verde Chicken Kabobs
Chi Chi's Salsa
Chi Chi's Seafood Enchiladas
Chi-Chi's Sweet Corn Cake
Chi Chi's Chili Con Queso
Chick-Fil-A Chicken Nuggets
Chick-Fil-A Chicken Salad
Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich
Chick-Fil-A Coleslaw
Chili Powder
Chili's Grilled Caribbean Chicken Salad
Chili's Chicken Enchilada Soup
Chili's Honey Lime Dressing
Chili's Monterey Chicken
Chili's Nacho Burger
Chili's Steak Fajitas
Chinese Sesame Chicken
Church's Fried Chicken
Cinnabon French Toast
Cinnabon Rolls
Cinnamon Glazed Almonds
Clausen Kosher Dill Pickles
Coney Island Dogs
Corn Dogs
Corn Syrup
County Line BBQ's Chuck Wagon Beans
Crab Ragoon
Cracker Barrel Cherry Chocolate Cobbler
Cracker Barrel's Bread Pudding
Cracker Barrel's Hashbrown Casserole
Cracker Jack
Cream Cheese
Creme De Menthe
Denny's Cheese Soup
Der Weinerschnitzel's Chili Sauce
Disney Mickey's Meatloaf
Disney Tonga Toast
Domino's Pizza Sauce
Double Tree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies
Duck Sauce
Dunkin Doughnuts
Eatmore Bars
Ebingers Blackout Cake
El Chico Mexican Restaurant Relish
El Pollo Loco Mexican Beans 152El Pollo Loco Chicken 153El Torito's Deep-Fried Ice Cream 154El Torito's Black Bean Soup
El Torito's Enchilada Sauce
El Torito's Mexican Caesar Salad
Emeril's Creole Seasoning
Emeril's Southwest Seasoning
Emeril's Mole Sauce
Energy Bars
Entenmann's Fat Free Chocolate Cupcakes
Famous Amos Cookies
Fannie Mae Caramels
Fig Newtons
Four Seasons Crab Cakes
Four Seasons Minestrone alla Milanese
Frango Chocolate Mints
Fried Dough
Fried Pickles
Fruit Roll-ups
Funnel Cakes
General Tsao's Chicken
Girl Scout Mint Cookies
Girl Scout Samoa Cookies
Golden Corral Rolls
Golden Corral's Seafood Salad
Goo Goo Clusters
Good Season's Italian Dressing
Graham Crackers
Grand Marnier
Grape Nuts Cereal
Green Goddess Dressing
Gum Drops
Gummi Bears
Half Moons
Hamburger Buns
Hamburger Helper
Hardee's Buttermilk Biscuits
Hardee's Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits
Heath Bar Candy
Heinz 57 Sauce
Hellman's Mayonnaise
Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
Honey Baked Ham Broccoli Souffle
Honey Baked Ham Potato Ham Hash
Honey Baked Ham
Hooter's Buffalo Chicken Wings
Hostess Cupcakes
Hostess Twinkies
Chinese Hot and Sour Soup
Houlihan's Baked Potato Soup
Houston's Grilled Chicken Salad
Houston's Spinach and Artichoke Dip
Houston's Tortilla Soup
Howard Johnson's Boston Brown Bread
Ice Cream Sandwiches
International House Of Coffee Flavored Coffees
Italian Sausage
Jack Daniel's Honey Mustard
Jack Daniel's Marinade
Jack-In-The-Box Jumbo Jack
Jack-In-The-Box Tacos
Jalapeno Poppers
Jerk Seasonings
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce
Keebler Soft Batch Cookies
Kenny Rogers BBQ Sauce
Kenny Rogers Fire-And-Ice Chili
Kentucky Derby Museum Pie
Kettle Corn
KFC BBQ Baked Beans
KFC Buttermilk Bisquits
KFC Cole Slaw
KFC Gravy
KFC Honey Barbecued Wings
KFC Macaroni Salad
KFC Original Fried Chicken
King's Hawaiian Bread
Kit Kat Bars
Kraft Catalina Salad Dressing
Kraft Thousand Island Dressing
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Krystal's Hamburgers
Lawry's Taco Seasoning
Lawry's Seasoned Salt
Legal Seafood Clam Chowder
Licorice Drops
Lipton's Onion Soup
Little Caesar's Pizza Sauce
Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies
Long John Silver's Battered Fish
Luchow's German Potato Salad
Lum's Ollieburger
Lynchburg Lemonade
Macaroni Grill's Baked Creamy Seafood
Macaroni Grill Foccacia Bread
Macaroni Grill Fonduta Gamberi
Macaroni Grill Gemberetti Noci E De Pino
Macaroni Grill Pasta Di Pollo Al Sugo Bianco
Macaroni Grill Penne Rustica
Magic Shell Ice Cream Topping
Maid Rite Sandwiches
Manwich Sloppy Joes
Marie Callender's Corn Bread
Marie Callender's Pie Crust
Marie Callender's Potato Cheese Soup
McDonald's Big Mac Sauce
McDonald's Honey Mustard Sauce
McDonald's Hot Mustard Sauce
McDonald's Shakes
McDonald's Sweet and Sour Sauce
McDonald's Big Mac
McDonald's Breakfast Burrito
McDonald's Hot Apple & Cherry Pies
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets
McDonald's Egg McMuffin
McDonald's Filet-O-Fish Sandwich
McDonalds Hamburgers
McDonald's Hotcakes
McDonald's Shamrock Shakes
Miniture Chocolates
Miracle Whip
Mrs Fields Carrot Cake
Mrs Fields Chocolate Chip Cookies
Mrs Fields Peanut Butter Cookies
Mrs Fields Cinnamon Sugar Cookies
Nutri-Grain Bars
Nutter Butter Cookies
O'Charley's Baked Potato Soup
Old Bay Seasoning
Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce
Old Fashioned Hard Candy
Old Fashioned Jelly Doughnuts
Old Fashioned Peanut Brittle
Old Spaghetti Factory Creamy Pesto Dressing
Olive Garden Fried Mozzarella
Olive Garden Lasagna
Olive Garden Pasta Frittata
Olive Garden Shrimp Primavera
Olive Garden Tiramisu Dessert
Olive Garden Capellini Pomodoro
Olive Garden Fettucine Alfredo
Olive Garden House Dressing
Olive Garden Toscana Soup
Olive Garden Eggplant Parmigiana
Orange Julius
Oreo Cookies
Outback Steakhouse Aussie Fries
Outback Steakhouse Bloomin Onion
Outback Steakhouse Coconut Shrimp
Outback Steakhouse Marinade
Outback Steakhouse Alice Springs Chicken
Outback Steakhouse Queenland Chicken and Shrimp
Outback Steakhouse Ranch Dressing
Outback Steakhouse Steak Seasoning
Outback Steakhouse Walkabout Soup
Oyster Sauce
PF Chang's Lettuce Wraps
Pace Picante Sauce
Panda Express Orange Chicken
Papa John's Garlic Sauce
Pay Day Candy Bars
Peanut Butter Tastykakes
Pepperidge Farm Sausalito Cookies
Pepperidge Farms Milano Cookies
Peppermint Schnapps
Philadelphia Cheesesteaks
Philadelphia Sticky Buns
Piccadilly Carrot Souffle
Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
Pimento Cheese Spread
Pita Bread
Pizza Hut Cavatini
Pizza Hut Creamy Italian Dressing
Pizza Hut Dessert Pizza
Pizza Hut Original Pan Pizza
Pizzeria Uno's Chicago Deep Dish Pizza
Planet Hollywood Cap'n Crunch Chicken
Planet Hollywood Thai Shrimp Pasta
Planters Heat
Ponderosa's Steak Sauce
Pop Tarts
Popeye's Fried Chicken
Popeye's Red Beans and Rice
Popeye's Biscuits
Popeye's Dirty Rice
Popcorn Balls
Potato Rolls
Prudhomme's Cajun Seasoning Mix
Red Lobster's Cheesecake
Red Lobster's Crab Au Gratin
Red Lobster's Shrimp Diablo
Red Lobster Cheese Biscuits
Red Lobster Creamy Caesar Dressing
Red Lobster Fried Catfish & Hushpuppies
Red Lobster Tartar Sauce
Red Lobster's Clam Chowder
Red Lobster's Crab Stuffed Mushrooms
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Reuben Sandwich
Rib Shack Bar-B-Q Sauce
Ruby Tuesday Apple Pie
Ruby Tuesday's Chicken Quesadillas
Sanders Hot Fudge Topping
Sbarro Baked Ziti
Sbarro Spinach and Cheese Rolls Florentina
Sbarro Tomato Sauce
Sbarro Chicken Francese
Sbarro Rigatoni Ala Vodka
Schlotsky's Deli Rolls
See's Fudge Candy
Shake and Bake
Shoney's Beef Cabbage Soup
Shoney's Broccoli Casserole
Shoney's Country Fried Steak
Silver Spoon Cafe Spinach Queso Dip
Sizzler Cheese Toast
Sizzler Fried Shrimp
Snapple Flavored Ice Teas
Snickers Candy Bar
Snickers Cheesecake
Soup Nazi's Seafood Bisque
Sour Cream
Starbuck's Frappuccino
Steak & Ale Cajun Chicken Pasta
Steak & Ale's Burgundy Mushrooms
Steak & Ale's Bourbon Street Steak
Steak & Ale's Hawaiian Chicken
Steak-n-Shake Chili
Stouffer's Corn Souffle
Stouffer's Macaroni and Cheese
Stove Top Stuffing
Stuckey's Pecan Log Rolls
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate
TGI Friday's Signiture Cocktails
TGI Friday's Jack Daniels Grill Glaze
TGI Friday's French Onion Soup
TGI Friday's Au Gratin Potatoes
TGI Friday's Sizzling Vegetable Fajitas
TGI Friday's Soy Dressing
TJ Cinnamon's Cinnamon Rolls
Taco Bell Hot Sauce
Taco Bell Chalupa Supreme
Taco Bell Crispitos
Taco Bell Sante Fe Gordita's
Taco Bell Green Sauce Teriyaki Sauce
Thomas English Muffins
Tiger Sauce
Tony Roma's Baby Back Ribs
Tony Roma's Onion Rings
Tootsie Rolls
Twix Bars
Uncle Ben's Seasoned Long Grain & Wild Rice
V-8 Juice
Vanilla Extract
Waldorf Astoria Fresh Pea Soup
Waldorf Astoria Olive And Lemon Potatoes
Waldorf Hotel's Waldorf Salad
Walnettos Caramels
Wendy's Chicken Caesar Fresh Stuffed Pita
Wendy's Chili
Wendy's Frosty
Wendy's Spicy Chicken Fillet Sandwich
Wheat Thins
White Castle Sliders
Wicker's BBQ Sauce
Wonder Bread
Worcestershire Sauce
York Peppermint Patties

Monday, November 5, 2007

What would Jesus buy at Big K-Mart for Christmas?

Jesus would probably want a new robe, sandals and maybe a Bible for Christmas. Jesus would probably get some Christmas gifts for the disciples at Big K-Mart as well.

Jesus definitely needs a new robe this Christmas from Big K-Mart. Big K-mart has the long sleeved Joe Boxer striped twill robe that would be perfect for Jesus. He will look great wearing it this Christmas morning! It would be a great fashion accessory whether he is out blessing people or attending baptisms. Big-Kmart has the robe in either blue or brown tones.

Jesus will also want to pick up some new sandals at Big K-Mart to wear. Big K-Mart has many inexpensive styles to choose from. He could actually afford to wear Birkenstocks, but he is not pretentious like that. He would rather give the money he saves at Big K-mart to poor people on Christmas.

Jesus would also like a copy of Bible Time Favorites and the Bible Trivia Game at Big K-Mart for. He likes the Bible Time Favorites because it is 15 hours of Bible history. That way he could kick back on Christmas and remember the good ‘ole days. The Bible Trivia game would be fun to jog his memory to see if he can still remember what he did 2000 years ago. Big K-Mart has them both for prices even Jesus would be happy about.

That’s about all he would get for himself at Big K-Mart. Jesus likes to give more than receive. Jesus would probably find some awesome Christmas presents for his disciples at Big K-mart.

Jesus may get Simon a Bible for a present at Big K-Mart. Perhaps Andrew would get a Christmas town express train at Big K-Mart. Then James may like a Christmas Story Monopoly game. How about a giant 36”Christmas stocking for John? Philip’s present could be a Christmas storage bin from Big K-Mart. Bartholomew’s might enjoy a Christmas in Comfyland PC keyboard. Thomas will be surprised with a gingerman lotion pump. James the Just might get “A Christmas Carol” CD from Big K-Mart. Matthew could get a battery operated Christmas dog pageant at Big K-Mart. Simon the Canaanite’s may receive an 11” Christmas story telling Santa. Thaddaeus may get a snowman lotion pump this year. Judas Iscariot’s would get the “Black Christmas” CD at Big K-Mart.

If Jesus comes back, do you think he would shop at the Big K-Mart for Christmas?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Poor Girl's Weight Loss-Diet Program

If you want to lose weight, the poor girl's weight loss-diet program is what you have been searching for. By living the poor girl lifestyle, you will be able to shed those unwanted pounds in no time. We do not charge anything for our weight loss-diet program. We know you don't have any money anyway. I am poor and skinny. If you want to be just like me, follow the poor girl's weight loss diet program and watch the pounds literally melt away.

Poor girl's really can't afford to eat. Try to forget about it and just drink plenty of tap water to feel full. If you must, then eat only the accepted food staples in the poor girl's weight loss diet program. Things like top ramen, Swanson TV dinners, 5/$1 burritos, macaroni and cheese, canned food on sale, white bread dough balls, Jiffy cornbread, and lots of peanut butter sandwiches. If you are only eating these foods on the poor girl's weight loss diet program you will not be as motivated to eat. This program helped me, and it can help you too!

Try mixing up the staples on the poor girl's weight loss-diet program for some interesting combinations. One of my favorites is the cornbread refried bean casserole. Mix one package of Jiffy cornbread with water. The package says to add eggs and milk. On the poor girl's weight loss diet program, we do not have money to blow on luxuries like eggs and milk. Just add water and pour mixture into cake pan. Next, add a layer of generic brand canned refried beans. On top of that, add another layer of Jiffy cornbread mix and bake until cornbread is done. It is so delicious, it will make you want to run out and find a second job! The poor girl's weight loss diet program is a must for anyone that seriously wants to lose weight.

The poor girl's weight loss diet program does not offer any pre-packaged foods, weight loss counselors, meetings or support of any kind. You can't afford it. Be certain to consult a doctor (if it's free) before starting the poor girl's weight loss diet program or any other weight loss diet program. The poor girl's weight loss diet program does not guarantee any specific weight loss results and will not be held responsible for following recommendations of a poor girl who doesn't know anything about proper nutrition.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gifts for the Dog Who Has Everything

My top pick is a personalized dog collar from Pet Printz. These leather dog collars come in baby pink or black. Pet Printz will custom make the collar in exact length you specify. Along with the collar, you can order a wide variety of swarovski letters and charms to place on the collar. The swarovski crystal letters come in A-Z. They also have swarovski dog collar charms that include crowns, hearts, stars, dog bones, dog paws, flowers and fire hydrants. The leather dog collar by itself is between $16-$20 depending on size. Each swarovski crystal letter and charm is $3.00, and you can buy a matching dog lead for $24.00.

Why not buy your dog a bed made especially for fancy dogs? No, I’m not talking about a regular dog bed cushion that you throw on the floor. The Nights of Arabia canopy dog bed is constructed out of honey or dark wood. This bed actually has a frame with 4 posts to support the canopy. These dog beds are luxurious with an olive green suede pillow and tassels hanging down from canopy. They are being sold for $300 at the Silver Spoon Luxury Pet Boutique.

Another hot item is the solid wood memory foam designer dog bed. This dog bed had a dark wood frame with two drawers to store all your dog toys. The cushion cover is light brown and can be removed for easy cleaning. This dog bed is being sold for $250 at Swank Pets.

Dog food dishes always make a great gift. The crown jewels dog food bowls look just like a kings crown, turned upside down. The outside is burgundy and gold with red, royal blue and purple crystals. Inside of the dog bowl is stainless steel. They are being sold at Glamour Dog for only $16.00 each. Another interesting dog bowl, is the dog toilet water bowl. You place a plastic 2-liter bottle in toilet “tank” to keep your dogs water bowl full at all times. Looks exactly like a toilet. These are being sold for $24.95 at Find Gift.

Dog pet stairz are a great way to help your dog get around easier. Dog stairz will enable small dogs to get up or down from the couch or bed. They are also helpful if your dog has arthritis or joint problems. Several varieties of the dog stairz are being sold between $84-$156 at The Gilded Paw. They have dog pet stairz with 4,5, and 6 steps. Styles include paw prints, zebra patterned or solid bisque. At the Ritzy Rover they have the 3-step pet stairz in solid colors of pink or brown for $129 as well. This would be a great gift for your dog that they would use all year.

How about a reversible dog bathrobe by Romy and Jacob Designs? These are the ultimate in dog luxury and would keep your dog cozy and warm after each bath. One side is velvet corduroy and the other is made out of cashmere flannel. They are machine washable and come in several different color combinations. They are being sold for $52 at Bitch New York-where dog run meets runway. You can also find a darling terry cloth dog bathrobe for only $19.99 at Posh Pet Glamour Boutique. The white dog bathrobes have a rubber ducky and the blue ones have a lamb.

Writing for Associated Content and SEO

I have been writing for Associated Content now since july 07. My writing for Associated Content started off as a whim. Now it has become a driving force in my life. You can write about whatever subject is interesting for you, and get paid for it. There is the possibility of going full time with Associated Content. To make a full-time income you need to write about 10 articles a day. Oh, um you also need to learn SEO. In addition to being paid upfront for your articles, AC will also pay for page views. SEO is very important for page views (traffic). It is not very difficult. It is just a matter of deciding what your keywords are, and having a keyword density of between 2% to 4.5%. Some writer's experienced in this type of writing are making about $20 an hour working from home! Oh BTW, my keywords for this article are Associated Content and SEO. I have a keyword density of 2.9% for Associated Content in this article and a 4.4% for SEO.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dogs and people have the same mental issues

In many ways, dogs our very similar to human beings. Dogs can suffer from mental issues just like we do. Some people suffer from depression, anger and aggression, social anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, unexplained fear, lack of confidence and more. Many dogs suffer from the exact same conditions. Some dogs will learn this behavior from their environment, while others suffer from these conditions from birth. In this article I will list some mental issues that dogs share with humans.

Aggression issues-Some dogs will become overly aggressive when they feel threatened. This behavior would be considered acceptable for humans and dogs in certain situations of imminent threat. Dogs and people that are overly aggressive are usually trying to establish dominance, protect their territory and ensure that you do not take any of their toys.

Depression-Dogs and humans can sometimes get depressed when they feel that they are not part of the pack. Although depression is complex, one thing that helps counter depression is to feel like you belong to the group and are valued.

Social Anxiety-One of the most common reasons for social anxiety may be lack of socialization at an early age. If puppies and children are not allowed to play with their peers at an early age, they may have problems relating. This can lead to social anxiety issues as an adult.

Lack of confidence-Normally dogs and humans suffer from a lack of confidence especially if they are facing the unfamiliar. If your dog lacks confidence all the time, they may need to experience repeated success in order to gain confidence. You can build your dog up by offering praise for even the smallest accomplishments. This works the same way for people as well.

A recent incident made me realize how sensitive and complex my dog really is. I broke my foot and therefore am unable to walk up my stairs. I have to sit on each step and lift myself up one step at a time in order to get upstairs. My dog has been watching me, and now refuses to walk up them as well. Beforehand he had no problem running up the stairs. Now the stairs make him nervous and he does not have confidence to run up them. Luckily he is a little lap dog. Now when we need to go up the stairs, he sits on my lap as we slowly go up one step at a time. Hopefully when my foot heals he will realize that the stairs are a safe place again.

We all suffer from mental issues to one extent or another, it is only a matter of degree.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Al-Qaeda Torture Techniques : Fatwa against Americans

Al-Qaeda is absolute and pure evil. They kidnap random innocent civilians and torture them beyond our worst nightmare. Guantanamo Bay has had much public outcry because of their treatment of prisoners. Allegations are that they have allowed growling dogs to intimidate prisoners, played abnormally loud music, and didn’t take them to the restroom. This amounts to nothing if you would like to compare torture techniques of prisoners detained by Al-Qaeda. Before we try so hard to defend all the rights of Guantanamo Bay Al-Qaeda prisoners and sympathizers, let us take a look at what would happen to you and your family if detained by Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda has been busy since at least 1993 bombing buildings with innocent people inside. Al-Qaeda started in 1989 and are currently operating in forty to fifty countries. The leader is Osama Bin Laden and they are responsible for the devastation of 911. They are responsible for numerous bombings and suicide attacks all over the world every year. They do not just murder innocent people with bombs they also kidnap innocent civilians. When that happens they show how evil and unfeeling they truly are. The Department of Defense released a handbook of Al-Qaeda torture techniques confiscated from Al-Qaeda members.

In my opinion, this handbook shows what Al-Qaeda would like to do to all Americans if only given a chance. The tools recommended to use in torture include electric drills, hammers, blow torches, meat cleavers, pliers, wire cutters, metal files, electric cables, chains, screw drivers, vices, scissors, handcuffs and whips. Recommended Al-Qaeda torture techniques include placing your head in a vice, using a clothes iron to burn your skin, suspending and whipping, breaking limbs, beating, blow torching your skin, electrocution, dragging victims behind cars, removing an eyeball, severing limbs and drilling hands.

Bin Laden issued a fatwa in 1998 in the name of “The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders,” declared that “the ruling to kill the Americans and their allies—civilian or military—is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it.”

Another section of the fatwa states, “We with God's help call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson.“

Al-Qaeda is a very serious threat to every westerner. They actually started planning 911 back in 1999, as killing Americans is one of their top goals.

Al-Qaeda continues to honor that fatwa through barbaric torture techniques and recruiting children to strap bombs on there bodies for suicide missions.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Shih Tzu Dog Facts

Shih Tzu’s are a wonderful breed of dog that make loyal pets. The name is pronounced, “sheed-zoo” and it means lion. These little balls of fur will steal your heart. This breed is friendly, outgoing and loves to cuddle. Shih Tzu’s make an excellent companion and will follow you everywhere you go. They come in many different colors including gold, white, black, and silver.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #1- Shih Tzu’s were bred to look like a lion
Their hair grows extremely long and looks like a lions mane. If you brush their hair regularly it will grow to the floor.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #2- Shih Tzu’s were bred for royalty in China
Shih Tzu’s were so precious to China they refused to share them with the rest of the world. This was a breed reserved for royalty in China from 17th century until 1930.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #3- Lhasa Apso from Tibet and Pekinese from China
These dogs were bred by Buddhist monks for royalty. They were intended to be guard dogs for the palace. They are a combination of Lhasa Apso and Pekinese.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #4- Shih Tzu’s life span is 12-14 years.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #5- Hereditary Disease.
Shih Tzu’s can be more susceptible to kidney disease (renal dysplasia) and kidney stones. My little guy eventually succumbed to kidney disease at 15 years of age. The last few months of his life he had to be given fluids on a regular basis to feel better. It was only then that I learned Shih Tzu’s have a higher rate of kidney issues than many other breeds. They are also one of the top ten breeds that suffer from renal dysplasia.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #6- About 27,282 Shih Tzu’s are registered every year according to the AKC. Shi Tzu’s are in the top 10 of the most popular dogs in United States.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #7- Shih Tzu’s are one of the oldest breeds in existence.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #8- Price Range
Registered Shih Tzu’s with champion bloodlines from breeders will usually sell for about $2500. If you find a purebred in the paper that is registered but no champion lines they will usually be about $800-$1000. Unregistered Shih Tzu’s will usually be a few hundred dollars. Occasionally, you can find one of these dogs at the pound but will have competition in adopting him.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #9- Shih Tzu’s weigh about 10-16 lbs and are approximately 10 inches tall. They have short legs and are longer than tall.

Shih Tzu Dog Facts #10- Joined AKC Toy Group in 1969.

You may have too many cats if…

Here are 10 clues that you may have too many cats. I have 6 indoor cats plus maintain feeding stations for the multitude of outdoor feral cats in my area. This is a list of 10 things to look out for that may tell you when you have too many cats.

You may have too many cats if you give up on the lint roller and accept wearing cat hair on all of your clothes.

You may have too many cats if you haven’t seen an insect in years.

You may have too many cats if the cat food bill makes up more than half of your weekly grocery bill.

You may have too many cats if the neighbors drop by with a bag of cat food saying they would like to donate to your cat charity.

You may have too many cats if there are fake furry mice and balls with bells in every room.

You may have too many cats if you get a linoleum floor for your house instead of carpet because it is much easier to clean up.

You may have too many cats if you find it difficult to fall asleep without the sounds of purring in your ear.

You may have too many cats if you turn off the TV to watch the cats.

You may have too many cats if you notice the new bird feeder never needs new seed added.

You may have too many cats if you try to use the can opener quietly for fear of being mobbed by cats.

My most recent rescue was a kitten I named Ms. Owlee Hoot because she resembles an owl. She was only about 4 weeks old and was trapped under the hood of a car on a hot day. It took two men to get her out!

I also have 2 orange brothers named Spisiak and Scooby. A neighbor had them and was planning to drop them off at the pound when they came down with a respiratory infection. Today they are healthy and enjoy hanging out with each other.

Mookie was a feral cat that seemed to be accident prone. Every time I saw him he would have a new injury. I was able to catch him for veterinary care and decided to keep him indoors permanently. He is my most affectionate cat and loves to spend his days sprawled out on my couch.

Bob is a 25 lb. fat cat. He was found outside in severe respiratory distress. Turned out he was having something like a heat stroke. I put up flyers everywhere but no one ever claimed him.

Last but not least is Alex. Alex was a cat being kept in a backyard cage in 105 degree weather with no shade. They said it was OK because they would hose him off once a day! Crazy huh? They didn’t want him and said they couldn’t find a home for him. I took him home with me that day.

That is how I ended up with 6 cats.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Writers websites to improve writing skills

I have compiled a list of free resources for writers to improve there writing skills. These websites have writer forums, online writing classes, writer reviews, instruction and advice on how to profit as a writer.

Writing erotica may not be for everyone. If it sounds like something you might be interested in, this is a free four-lesson course. It teaches writers how to write erotic stories and market them. is a very large site with almost 550,000 members! You can sign up and get their free newsletter, read the forum and meet other writers by starting a group.

This is a new writers forum owned and operated by a writer. It is a place where you can get helpful writing advice from successful writers and learn about all the newest paid writing jobs. They advertise contests and allow you to promote your published work.

Poets & Writers has an online magazine with many interesting articles that you can read for free.

Novice writer’s has the biggest forum I have ever seen. You could learn a great deal about writing just by hanging out in the forum for a while. They focus on the beginning writer and offer many helpful tips and tricks to get you going in the right direction.

My Writer’s Circle is a forum that offers advice on grammar, editing and publishing. You can post your writings there for a review by other authors. In addition they also have a writer job board to help you find new writing jobs.

You MUST visit the freebie section of Writer Gazette! Free classes, software, ebooks, reports and advertising. This website is a great resource for writer freebies.

Writing Time offers fun writing exercises for writers. They also have well written advice on writing for blogs, kids, web writing, memoirs and even your own history.

Writing for dollars focuses on how writers can make money. I thought they were worth listing here because they offer a bi-monthly newsletter for free. The bi-monthly newsletter will give you ideas on how to make money with writing. In addition, you can also download the free ebook, “83 ways to make money writing for free.”

This website offers a discussion forum, writing jobs and contests. You can also download free ebooks about writing. To find that page, just click on “free ebooks” under quick links on home page.

Writing-World also offers a monthly writer newsletter. They have informative articles on site about: beginning writers, article ideas, how to write articles, researching info and writer’s block.

Write and get reviewed by other authors at this website. They also offer a community forum and many contests.

This is not a fancy website, but provides great information on article writing. They will teach you how to write better articles and how to promote them as well.

This is a free 9-week writing class. This online class brought to you by an ex-teacher from UCLA. It is the same writing class as UCLA, only it’s free!

This is a free 7-week workshop for creative writing.

This is another free online class in writing with 16 lessons. Focuses on grammar and communicating clearly.

Free website that will teach you everything you wanted to know about erotic writing but were afraid to ask. There is a strong market for erotic stories.

This website has helpful articles on writing and free ebooks for writers. Free ebooks are about writing verse for children, writing for the web and make your price sell.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Write Articles for traffic and back links to your website

Submitting articles to free article websites are an excellent way to generate traffic and back links to your website. In this article I will show you some recommended article directories and some free article submitter software. Submitting articles works because every webmaster that reprints your article is required to publish your biography along with the article. In the biography or “about the author” section you write a little about yourself along with your website URL. First, you will need to write an original article about 300-600 words that is related to the subject of your website. Then submit your article to an article site for free traffic. Sounds easy? It is!

Here are some free article websites you can submit to that get a good amount of traffic:


Each free article website will have different rules regarding formatting and length of article so check with the author guidelines on each site. Submitting articles to various directories is certainly a good way to get free back links and traffic to your website. If your article is really good, it is possible to get millions of views. If you are only planning on writing a few articles, you may want to submit everything manually. If you would like to submit to many places, I would recommend using article submitter software. If you would like to start out without investing is the software, I have managed to find a few submitters that are free. I have listed the free article submitters below:


An additional resource to promote your articles is Yahoo Groups. This can help to achieve more traffic and back links as well. Join a yahoo group specifically for writers to post articles. Many people will want to read the articles because it answers a question and is interesting. In addition, many webmasters use the groups to find articles that they can publish on there own websites. When they publish your article, they will also publish your bio or signature with your website link in it. Here is a listing of Yahoo groups that are interested in writers posting there articles:

With article promotion, you will never need to worry about purchasing traffic again. The articles you submit will bring in traffic directly from the links on your articles. In addition, the back links you create will result in a higher position in the search engines increasing traffic as well.

Juice Fasting: How a juice fast can improve your health

Juice fasting on a regular basis can help improve your overall health and help you to lose weight. It works by giving your digestive system a rest and removes stored toxins from your body. A juice fast will usually last about one to three days, in which you only consume fresh organic fruit and vegetable juice.

I would recommend purchasing a good fruit and vegetable juicing machine. During the fast you will be drinking juice at least every one to two hours. It is important to drink as much juice as you can for optimum health. You will want the freshest healthiest juice available. It is cheaper and healthier to make the juice at home. Some vegetables that are great for a juice fast are carrot, beet, cabbage, spinach, zucchini and even lettuce. Typically the green vegetables are healthiest when fasting. Fruit that is best when you are fasting would be berries, bananas, melons and mangos. Try to stay away from fruit that is highly acidic during the fast.

Juice fasting means you only consume juice and water. Many people are so addicted to coffee. During the fast I would stay away from coffee and cola completely. If you cannot do that, at least limit your intake to one cup a day. Remember you are trying to give your body a chance to heal and cleanse itself.

Some supplements I would suggest would be a quality multi-vitamin, fiber (psyllium husks) and protein powder. The fiber will stimulate your system to expel waste, and is a necessity for fasting. If you do not take the fiber supplement while fasting, you will need to have an enema before you begin the fast. The protein powder will ensure you get enough protein. You can make some tasty fruit smoothies with the protein powder and juice in a blender. When you begin to eat solid food again start gradually. It is better to start with some fresh fruit and eat light.

In my opinion, juice fasting is excellent for your health. Everyone is different and some people may feel uncomfortable with fasting. It is important to stay in touch with how you are feeling. If you feel tired make sure you are getting enough protein. I would recommend a protein fruit smoothie. If you find yourself feeling very hungry, I would go ahead and eat an avocado or banana. If you are in poor health, diabetic or pregnant it is a good idea to get your doctor’s approval before starting a juice fast.

15 book reviews of spanish children books

15 Children’s Books Review- for Spanish Americans

El Cucuy!, as told by Joe Hayes, Illustrated by Honorio Robledo.Published by Cinco Puntos Press, El Paso, Texas.

This story was about three sisters that lived alone with their father. The mother had died. The youngest daughter would cook and clean the house to help her father. But the two oldest daughters would never help. All they wanted to do was play. One day when their father came home the two oldest girls were making big messes for the younger sister to clean up. They even tied knots in their father’s clean shirts that were hung out on the clothesline. The father yelled for El Cucuy to come get them. This was the boogeyman that takes misbehaved young children. The El Cucuy came and took the girls while they were eating dinner. He took them to a dark cave and made them stay in the back. Their father started missing them and began to look for them, but could never find them. Then one day a goat farmer found the girls and helped them get out of the cave and back to their father. As the girls grew up, and had children of their own, they were the best behaved family for generations.

I’m going to California, Author Mary Dodson Wade, Illustrated by Virginia Marsh
Roeder. Published by COLOPHON HOUSE, Houston, Texas.

This story is about a small girl who dreams of being a movie star. She talks about how she will live in a big house and drive a fancy car without a top. She also wants to wear sparkly dresses and turn letters on a show. She also talks about different movie parts that she would want to do like: being in the gorilla’s hand, (King Kong); help free a killer whale, (Free Willy); leap tall buildings, (Superman); or she wants to be a vampire. She also wants a star on the sidewalk with her name on it. In the back of the book it gives the reader ideas of things to do in many of the cities of California.

Cinco de Mayo, by Janet Riehecky, Illustrated by Krystyna Stasiak. Published by Wing Park Publishers.

This story was about a little girl who was very excited because it was Cinco de Mayo. All of her family was getting ready for the big celebration. She wanted to help too. First, she tried to grate the cheese with her mother but the cheese was too big and she dropped it on the floor. Next, she went out side to help her father set up some straw animals in the yard. But when she was hammering in a stake it hit her father’s thumb instead. So, she went inside to see if her big brother needed any help. Her brother, Ramon, was practicing in his mariachi band and didn’t want any help. As Maria walked back into the house she saw her Sister Anna hanging up lanterns, streamers and flowers. Anna asked Maria to get a lantern out of the box. But when she did, it tore. Maria started to cry. Then her sister told her about a contest that the library was having. All the children in the city were to draw pictures that celebrated Cinco de Mayo. So Maria entered the contest. She drew pictures of all the things her family was doing to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. When Maria and her family went to the fiesta in town she found out her picture had won. Maria was so happy.

The Story of Colors, by Subcomandante Marcos, Illustrated by Domitila Dominguez.
Published byCinco Puntos Press.

This story was about an old man telling a folktale about how the world got its colors. He started out the story saying that there used to only be white and black. But then one of the Gods (there were two of them) stumbled on a rock and fell. He bumped his head and red was coming out, blood. The other God wanted to find a color too, he found green. So these Gods went back and forth until they found: red, green, blue, yellow. Then they put the colors in a box under a Ceiba tree, because they wanted to go to sleep. It started raining and the Gods woke up. All the colors had mixed and made new colors. The Gods liked this, but they were so tired. They started throwing all the colors all over the world. That is why things are not black and white anymore. For safe keeping they gave the macaw bird all the color to hold so the colors would not be forgotten. This is why there are so many different colors of people, and so many different ways of thinking in the world.

The Tamale Quilt, Written and Illustrated by Jane Tenorio-Coscarelli. Published by ¼
Publishing, Murrieta, Ca. 92563

This story was about a Nana who came to visit her grandchildren. She showed her grandchildren her tamale quilt, and the children laughed. Nana told how when she was a young girl her mother and father would make tamales together in the kitchen and laugh. Her mother made them every year around Christmas time. Her mother ground the corn, added lard, and chili, and then spread the masa. In the middle of the tamale her mother would put one olive in the tamale before wrapping it up. Then she and her brother could eat all the olives that they did not need. While the tamales were cooking the family would get ready to go to mass at the church. When they returned it was very cold so her mother would make hot chocolate for everyone. They also could eat their tamales until they were stuffed. Then they would snuggle in their beds and wait for Christmas. When it was time for her grandmother to leave she gave the tamale quilt to her granddaughter, and asked her to not forget the tamale story to tell her own children.
This book had a pattern to make a tamale quilt, and a recipe for how to make tamales.

CHATO’S KITCHEN, by Gary Soto, Illustrated by Susan Guevara.Published by G.P.
Putnam’s Sons, New York, NY 10016.

I loved this story. It is about a cat living in the barrio who likes to chase, and eat birds. Then a mouse family moves in so he invites them to dinner. He wants to eat the mice for dinner but has to act like he is their friend. At first the mice are reluctant to go, but agree if Chato will let them bring a friend. Chato agrees only because he thinks it’s another mouse to eat. For five hours Chato is cooking rice, enchiladas, beans and home made tortillas. Chato’s friend, Novio Boy, comes to help him prepare the feast. Both cat’s think they are very tricky when they hear a knock at the door. The mice’s friend is a big dog. The cats are scared and hide under the table, and also climb up the curtains. But then they realize Chorizo the dog is nice. They all sit down to a wonderful meal that Chato and Novio Boy made. Nobody ate the guests at this meal. Very cute book.

!FIESTA!, by Ginger Foglesong Guy, Pictures by Rene King Moreno. Published by
Greenwillow Books, New York, NY 10019.

This book is a Spanish- English book. The children are shopping for a birthday party or fiesta. The children start with uno or one to show they have a basket. In this basket are all the treasures they find for their party. The book counts up to diez or ten. When the children get home they make their own piñata and stuff it full of all the things they bought. Then they hang it up in the yard. When all their friends and family arrive they take turns hitting the piñata and have a fiesta. The book is beautifully illustrated with a big font for the words. Easy to read and nice to look at.

The PINATA QUILT, Written and Illustrated by Jane-Tenorio-Coscarelli.
Published by 1/4 Inch Publishing, Murrieta, CA 92563.

This story was about how a boy asked his Tia, or Aunt to make him a piñata for his birthday. She was remembering when she was a young girl that her father would make piñatas with a clay pot in the middle to hold the candy and toys. However, now they use a blown up balloon. First they put three layers of paper and glue around the piñata, and then they put different colored tissue paper around the piñata. While making the piñata, the boy, Albert, started thinking he wanted everything for himself that they bought to put in the piñata. So every time his Tia would turn her back he added more glue than was necessary. He thought if he added to much glue then the piñata would not break and he could have everything for himself. At the party no one could break the piñata. The guest started making fun of his Tia because she didn’t make the piñata right. Albert felt guilty and decided to confess. After he confessed his father stuck a knife in the piñata to make it easier to break. This time when Albert hit the piñata it broke open and he shared the candy with all the kids.
When Albert grew up and was going to move away to college this same Tia made him a piñata quilt to take with him. Albert was so happy to have this quilt on his bed while he was away from his family. The quilt was a happy reminder of family times together. It was special because it looked just like the piñata she made for him years ago.

BIG BUSHY MUSHACHE, by Gary Soto, Illustrated by Joe Cepeda.
Published by ALFRED A. KNOFF, New York.

This story was about a boy whom everyone always said that he looked exactly like his mother. Ricky hated that when people would say he looked like his mother. He wanted to look like his dad. One day his teacher wanted the children to pick out a costume because they were going to put on a play about Cinco de Mayo. Ricky picked out a bushy black mustache to wear for the play. He was so happy because he thought he looked just like his dad. The teacher told all the children to leave their costumes at school but Ricky didn’t listen. Instead he put the mustache in his pocket. He walked home from school that day and as soon as he was out of sight he put the mustache on and walked the rest of the way home. Merchants and town’s people commented on how big he looked. But by the time he got home the mustache was gone. He retraced his steps but he couldn’t find the mustache. He was so worried his teacher was going to be mad. His dad felt sorry for him, so at the breakfast table the morning he had to go back to school, his dad shaved off his mustache and gave it to Ricky. The mustache looked just like the one he got from the school. Ricky tried it on. Now he looked like his dad, and his dad looked like Ricky, because he didn’t have his mustache anymore.

On Ramon’s Farm, written by Campbell Geeslin, Illustrated by Petra Mathers.
Published by Simon and Schuster, New York.

This is about a boy who lives on a farm in Mexico. His mother weaves blankets so Ramon has the job of taking care of the animals. He makes up rhymes about the funny way that the animals act on the farm. Words are written in Spanish and English in book with pronunciations of words too. He has sheep, a rooster, a young goat, a burro, and a pig. The sheep do not like to give wool and cry until Ramon gives them a pretty bow for their necks. The rooster wants to fight with a bucket of water because he thinks it’s another chicken. The goat wants to climb on everything including the roof and wakes Ramon up at night. The burro is needed to go to town but takes one step forward and two steps back. So Ramon puts a blindfold on him and makes him walk backwards to town. The pig is lazy and won’t play with Ramon unless he feeds him. So Ramon feeds the pig, but then the pig won’t play because he is too full. I liked this story because of the pictures, the silly animals, and it helped me pronounce the Spanish words correctly.

This House Is Made Of Mud, Written by Ken Buchanan, Illustrated by Libba Tracy.
Published by “rising moon”, Books for young readers from Northland Publishing.

This author has spent most of his life here in Arizona in a small town called Arivaca. It is seven miles north of the U.S. Mexican border. He and his family have built their own home in the Sonoran Desert. This story is about a adobe house being made from mother Earth’s mud. The house is built round so that wind can blow into the window. Insects live between the bricks, and mice live under the house. The book talks about the many visitors the house gets. In the night the moon and stars come, and in the day the sun, wind and animals come. The yard is as far as you can see, and the fence is the mountains that surround the house. The house was made with love and is shared by all God’s creatures. This book was also on Reading Rainbow.

THE LIZARD AND THE SUN, Written by Alma Flor Ada, Illustrated by Felipe Davalos. Published by Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers.

This folktale is written in English and in Spanish. It is a story about how the sun hid in a rock and no one could find her. All of the animals searched the world. The fish and the frogs looked in the water. The eagles, rabbits and jaguar looked on the ground. No one could find the sun, and the world was so dark and scary. The only animal that didn’t give up was the lizard. He kept searching until he found the sun. The lizard ran back to the palace to tell the emperor he had found the sun hiding in a rock. The emperor brought a woodpecker, and they all went to see the sun. The woodpecker pecked on the rock until it opened. But the sun kept falling asleep, so the emperor called his best dancers. The dancers danced until the sun raised high in the sky. This is why every year from then on there are celebrations with lively music and beautiful dancers so that the sun will never fall asleep again. This is also the reason why lizards like to lie in the sun because they remember when their ancestor gave light and warmth back to everyone.

The Tortilla Quilt, written and illustrated by Jane Tenorio-Coscarelli and published by ¼ inch publishing, Murrieta, Ca. 92563

This story almost made me cry. It is about a little girl named Maria who lives with her Grandmother Lupita on a ranch. Maria’s grandmother is a maid for a white family, named Olson. The Olson’s have a daughter named Sarah that is the same age as Maria. Sarah and Maria like to ride horses together and play.

Every morning Maria has chores to do like getting the eggs from the chickens. Her grandmother is busy making breakfast tortillas for the Olson’s. One day Sarah and her mother are making a quilt. Maria’s grandmother feels bad because she doesn’t have any cloth to give Maria so she can make a quilt. The only thing she has is the flour sacks she has saved from making tortillas. Maria is happy with that. She starts cutting squares for her quilt and Sarah even gives her material from old clothes, and helps her. Maria and Sarah sew the whole blanket together, and then Sarah’s mom, and Maria’s grandmother, help them quilt it. They all work hard together. Before the quilt is done Maria embroidered, “The Tortilla Quilt for Grandmother Lupita from her angels Maria and Sarah 1880”. Then she and Sarah give the quilt to her grandmother as a surprise.

This was such a warm and fuzzy book, I loved it.

CHATO and the PARTY ANIMALS, by Gary Soto, Illustrated by Susan Guevara.
Published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York

This story is about a cool cat named Chato. He has a best friend who is sad because he came from the pound, and doesn’t know when his birthday is. He never even knew his mami or ever had a birthday party. Chato is like a brother or carnal to Novio Boy and decides to have a birthday party for him in the barrio or neighborhood. Chato buys a canary birthday cake and a fish piñata for the party. They party until the sun goes down, and the neighbors start throwing shoes at them. Novio Boy learns that even though he doesn’t have family of his own, Chato is the best brother in all of the el barrio.

This book has Spanish vocabulary located in the front of the book, with definitions, so one can use this as a reference for the Spanish words. I love this author, and illustrator. The pictures are very vivid and colorful.

DAY OF THE DEAD, A Mexican-American Celebration, by Diane-Hoyt-Goldsmith/ Photographs by Lawrence Migdale. Published by Holiday House, Inc., 425 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017.

This story is about a family who likes to celebrate the Day of the Dead. This tradition came from the Aztecs who came to Mexico in about 1325. They believed in many different gods. The grandmother of this family has Yaqui Indian ancestry. This family celebrates by making an ofrenda. This is made from many reeds tied together in an arch, and then decorated with flowers. The families light candles, and burn incense. They put on the ofrenda personal items of loved ones that have passed away. They also put food, like tamales, and skulls made out of sugar.

The children’s father is an artist who makes Mexican art. He shows his children how to make masks with plaster and cloth bandages. Then the family decorates the masks with paint, glitter, feathers and spangles. They wear these masks when they make their procession to the graveyard, and the grandmother dances. The Day of the Dead takes place on the same day as All Saints Day, which is November 1 and 2. All Saints Day is a Christian Catholic Holiday. The people in the procession carry marigolds because they have a strong odor to guide the spirits to find their way back home to visit their families.

This was a very informative story. I like the photographs of the family and the people moving through the cemetery with the procession. This family celebrates this holiday every year. The children are used to the skeletons and the masks, and know that this is a serious place. This is a place where they put pictures of loved ones that have died so that they can remember them.

Friday, August 17, 2007

My visit to the Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park in Globe, Arizona

This was the first time I ever visited Besh Ba Gowah. When I went it was very quiet, and not very crowded. When I entered the site, a family with two small, noisy children left. At first I was relieved, but then, I started getting nervous because I felt like someone was watching me. While I was walking around a small rabbit kept popping around the ruins looking at me. Every time I tried to find him he would disappear in a hole under the pueblo. The pueblo had so many rooms it seemed almost like a maze. In the still, and quiet of the day, this place seemed very sacred to me. I enjoyed the site, but I wish I would have had a tour guide; I enjoy those so much more. They only have tours for big groups. This is a wonderful place full of history and I would recommend visiting at least once in your lifetime.

The Native Americans that resided in these pueblos had gardens, and hunted for wild game. Archaeologists believe that the pueblos looked like stone that was covered with a smooth dry clay and mud plaster. This plaster was on all of the interior and exterior walls. These people excelled at both farming and hunting. Evidence suggests that the Salado people, or Salt people, were some of the healthiest late prehistoric populations in the American Southwest. This is due to a well balanced diet of both food crops and wild game. The inhabitants of Besh Ba Gowah traded with other distinct people for shell, pottery, cloth and exotic goods. Trade seems to have formed a major cornerstone in Salado life, and Besh Ba Gowah might have served as a major trading center. Within a Salado home, one of the principal chores was preparing food. Salado kitchens were well stocked with tools for harvesting, cleaning, cooking, serving and storing a variety of foods. Stone knives were used to harvest plants, skin and butcher game. Stone hoes were used in growing crops such as corn, beans, squash, and grasses. Manos and metates were used to grind seeds and corn. Pottery was used to store grain, cook meals and serve food. Salado farmers had several different types of farming strategies: dry farming, flood plain farming, and irrigation farming. The Salado hunted for game in the higher surrounding mountains. In addition, wild plant foods and medicines from these mountainous regions were collected and brought back. The Salado people lived in relative peace and tranquility with their neighbors in the surrounding regions. Until, near the end of the 14th century a period of social upheaval began. Climatic changes appeared which caused local streams and water sources to dry up. As food became scarce, residents of many pueblos began to turn on one another. A period of warfare began which may have lead to the abandonment of the region.

The first residents to live at Besh ba Gowah were the Hohokams. Here they lived in large oval houses built in shallow pits. Interior wooden posts supported the walls and roof, which were made of clay covered brush. This earlier Hohokam village may have been occupied from A.D. 800 to A.D. 1150. The Hohokams of Besh Ba Gowah used the distinctive red on buff colored pottery, carved stone bowls and pallets. They also made serrated projectile points and carved shell jewelry. The Hohokam people cremated their dead. At approximately, A.D. 1225 the Salado Native Americans began constructing the pueblo that exists today. This area attracted many settlements because of the availability of water, diverse food source, and a good climate for growing crops. The Salado people abandoned their civilization shortly after A.D. 1400. This area remained deserted until sometime after A.D. 1600. At this time the Apache Native Americans made it their home. The name Besh Ba Gowah comes from the Apache language. It translates in English as, “place of metal” or “metal camp”.

Besh Ba Gowah has a long history of professional work and amateur interest. The first archaeological recordation of Besh Ba Gowah was made by Adolf F. Bandelier on May 18, 1883 as part of a general exploration of the American Southwest. After Bandelier’s early work, little formal site investigation was undertaken until early 1935.

Formal excavation of Besh Ba Gowah began in early 1935 as a Federal Emergency Relief Administration, (FERA) project under the field direction of Irene S. Vickery. In October 1938, the Besh Ba Gowah excavation became a subproject under the Statewide Archaeological Project within the Works Projects Administration (WPA) with Harold Gladwin as the sponsors’ director. Irene Vickery remained as WPA supervisor with Emil Haury, her teacher adding counsel when requested. She worked at Besh Ba Gowah until the day she died. Vickery’s Besh Ba Gowah investigations included the complete excavation of most surface masonry rooms and the recovery of over 350 burials, and their offerings. Vickery’s early illness and then death prevented the completion of the analysis and publication of a final report. After her death the site was not protected for forty years. Total destruction from neglect and erosion was the result of this.

The people that lived at Besh Ba Gowah were very diverse in their crafts and eating habits. They made arrow heads for hunting wild game with metals or rocks found in the soil. They made cloth by weaving cotton and other fibers together. They also made beautifully painted pottery out of the soil found around them. They used this pottery for carrying water, storing and eating food. They had gardens with beans, squash, corn and grasses. These people also had crops to feed small herds of domestic animals. They also knew about natural wild plants that were bountiful in this area. They used wild plants to eat like nuts, berries, and seeds. Some plants were used for weaving baskets, rugs or sandals. The Yucca elata plant roots were mashed or cut up and used for shampoo. The Larrea tridentate leaves were boiled to make a broth used to treat colds, fevers and rheumatism. Besh Ba Gowah was a city within itself. When you enter there is a long corridor, this was the center of the site. It is believed that the pueblo had three stories to many of the buildings. It contained rooms to live, storage areas, a central plaza, burial room, and a ceremonial room. The Besh Ba Gowah people lived in an environment that could be harsh at times. They learned to sustain their culture by using the resources around them. The Besh Ba Gowah site has a lovely botanical garden with many of the same plants that the Salado people had.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Goodbye Mister Rogers

Quote: “I feel the greatest gift we can give to anybody is the gift of our honest self.”
Author: Fred Rogers

One of my favorite human beings of all time is Mister Fred Rogers. He was a well known performer who has had a positive impact on many people living in North America. He was born in 1928 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He developed the idea of a children’s show in 1950. In 1963, he was ordained a Presbyterian Minister and practiced his gentle and compassionate ways on the television show, Mister Rogers. In 1963 he had his first show in Canada, and then in 1967, the show was moved to the United States.

This show was loved, and watched by young and old alike. It played for thirty years on the Public Broadcasting System. This is the longest running show in PBS history. Mister Fred Rogers played Mr. McFeely on his show. He helped children feel comfortable about their feelings. He also showed different circumstances on the show and how to deal with these situations. By using role play, Mister Rogers taught children how to interact with others in a positive manner.

Fred Rogers not only had an excelling television program that helped children. But he was also honored by President Bush in 2002. Fred Rogers was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom because of his contribution of well being to children, and his career demonstrated the importance of kindness, compassion and learning. Fred Rogers is an American icon for goodness and peace. His cardigan sweater hangs in the Smithsonian Museum to remind us of his goodwill towards all men.

Fred Rogers died in 2003 from stomach cancer. He was only 74 years old. His life was short lived, but his ideas are a part of me. I watched Mister Rogers as a child, and had my children watch the show with me as they grew up. Watching this show was a peaceful time in our family. No one was getting killed or saying obscene language on his show. The show talked about morals, introduced interesting people, and helped children relax.

At this time I am going to college to be a teacher. Fred Rogers taught me to see the goodness of others, and the goodness in myself. “I like me just the way I am.” In this world I don’t have to be perfect, but I do have to show respect to all living creatures. I have learned to take responsibility for all my actions, no matter how small. I instill these qualities into my children, and hopefully into my classroom. I think this world needs more people like Mr. Rogers.


Are cigarette-warning labels in the United States strong enough?

The text warning labels on packages of cigarettes in the United States have not significantly changed in years. Many smokers have become so accustomed to the warning label; they no longer even notice them. Several countries outside of the U.S. are using innovation to make that warning label into a picture that will grab everyone’s attention.

Pictures are able to convey an idea in a way that words cannot. The warning pictures show the truth of what smoking will do to you. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.” Due to the fact that our society is being legally poisoned, I hope the United States will want to step up to the plate and institute a more severe warning label system. I suggest the tobacco companies will be responsible for the expense of printing these new labels on every package of cigarettes it produces.

In australia they have cigarette warnings with pictures of how smoking damages your blood vessels preventing proper blood circulation. In Belgium they have pictures of deformed babies. In Brazil they show pictures of tissue necrosis caused by smoking. In Canada they have a picture of 2 little boys with a caption that reads, “Don’t poison us.” In Chile they show a picture of a man with a hole in his throat so he can breathe. In Europe there is a picture of a dead body at the morgue complete with toe tag. In Hong Kong there is a picture showing the aging effects of smoking. In India, there is a picture of a little baby on a respirator. In Jordan there are pictures of cancer infected lungs. In New Zealand there is a picture of rotting teeth with mouth cancer caused by smoking. In Romania it shows a picture of a limp cigarette representing sexual impotence that smoking causes. In Singapore there are pictures of neck cancer and miscarried babies. In Thailand there is a picture of a stroke victim caused by smoking. In Uruguay there are pictures showing the effects of second hand smoke. In Venezuela there is a picture of fists that are handcuffed and tied by a burning cigarette representing the prison of addiction. This list is not complete but an example. All of these countries have more than one picture to represent the extreme danger of smoking.

In addition, most of these countries outside of the US also demand more space for warning on the cigarette package. Many require up to 50% of the space on the package, and also to be on front and back. I strongly believe US cigarette warning labels need to be brought up to date and improved.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Behavior Management in the Classroom


Behavior management in the classroom is an issue that teachers deal with on a daily basis. There are numerous reasons, which result in emotional and behavioral upsets in the classroom. Moreover, schools have been hastily altered to meet the undeniable changes our society has undergone in the last four decades. Additionally, along with society, families with children have also rapidly changed within the last 40 years.

In the 1960’s, families and individuals started to change, for example, teen youth and young adults challenged authority. Young adults saw themselves as deserving more and owing their families less. Women began to achieve more independence through paid employment, and the sexual revolution made marriage less necessary for sexual fulfillment. Men and women both began opting out of unhappy marriages, instead of staying together (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 10).

By the 1980’s the ideal family made a radical shift. The American family was changing into a plethora of different family types: dual-career families, never married families, divorced families, stepfamilies and gay and lesbian families. As the family began to change, members were confused about what role or roles they were to play. The father was not the only main source of income in the household, or sometimes a father was not even present at all. The mother was struggling to maintain household duties, take care of the needs of her children, and work a forty-hour workweek.

Childhood in America has also changed in some unsettling ways too. Mothers with children under the age of six years old are now the fastest growing sector of the labor force (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 7). Inflation has made it necessary for two incomes to be brought into the household to maintain the standard of living that the previous generation had maintained with only one income. In addition, both men and women are working longer hours per week. Thus, parents are working longer hours, and sadly the number of children growing up below the poverty level is increasing. Consequently, the amount of time that parents have to spend with, and raise their children has been declining also.

With so many parents working more hours out of the home, eminence childcare is under strain. The demand for quality childcare is rising. Parents of small children have to settle for a less desirable babysitter just to make ends meet. Many childcare providers get tired of the long hours and constant nurturing of children who are ill mannered. Parents are tired after long hours of work, and only ask their children questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. Some children do not even have conversations with their parents.

The stress puts an added strain on the single parent because she/he has only one income, and only a certain amount of time. Single parent households have many responsibilities to their children. They are required to provide for the children financially, emotionally, and physically. Some families can scarcely pay for shelter and food per month.

With rising divorce rates, the nuclear family seems to have collapsed in a single century. I have chosen this topic because as a parent I have seen many changes in our schools and my personal life. My children are widely spaced in their ages because I was a young, single mother. My first child entered kindergarten in 1985, and my last child entered kindergarten in 2001. Through my personal experience I have discovered that not only are there hidden rules in society, but there are also hidden rules about what is expected from a parent.

I remember when my eldest daughter was having a school party. I packed her a bag of store bought cookies, sent her to school, and off to work I went. My daughter was so sad when I picked her up from the babysitter. Kids made fun of her because the cookies weren’t homemade. Now, fifteen years later, teachers prefer store bought items for parties because of the prevalence of hepatitis. It was very hard for me as a young mother. There were many hidden rules that I did not know. Many of the other parents wouldn’t talk to me because I was a “single parent”. They assumed that I was an incompetent mother and that my daughter was less than the other children. However, I think this empowered me to push my daughter to be the best. (I have succeeded, because she is the best!)

It is hard to find “normal” consistencies for many of the children in the schools of today. Sometimes I look in their eyes and I feel their pain. Being an employee of the school district, I have been exposed to personal details of the children’s family history. The problems that the children are having today are many of the same problems their parents had as well. It seems to be a downward spiraling staircase of dysfunction. There are so many different situations that come up at school that have perplexed me, and broken my heart. The teachers try many different approaches to find the students learning process. Children have to learn to find their inner strength, so that they can prevail regardless of the challenges they face. Each child has to learn the middle class rules to succeed at school and work. By containing the generational problem, the child will transform into a responsible adult. A teacher’s task is overwhelming to me. It has taken me so long to decide to go to school to be a teacher because I doubted my qualifications. To educate and change someone while they are screaming and fighting against you is definitely a challenge. Teachers of today are mentors for children that are lost in the fast paced society that we live in. Teachers don’t give up; they are pillars that hold up the future of our world.

Unfortunately, more and more children are being diagnosed with medical conditions, and treated with medications. Several children are having problems with hyperactivity and inattention because of underlying stressors and environmental factors, such as: abuse, violence, divorce, and poverty. One of the most common childhood diagnoses is ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is thought to be a neurological disorder, usually diagnosed in childhood. ADHD should only be diagnosed from a trained health care provider because some symptoms are similar to hyperthyroidism or other similar illnesses.
In most cases diagnosis is determined upon observations and opinions of those who are closest to the patient: parents, teachers, and childcare providers. The symptoms of ADHD fall into two broad categories: inattention and hyperactivity-impulse behavior. ADHD has been found to exist in every country and culture; however, it is most common in the United States. Virtually four million children in the United States, younger than 18, have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, GNU Free Documentation License, p. 5). Today there is an increase of drug therapy for ADHD. Nearly 1.3 million American children take Ritalin, a 250% increase since 1990 (Woolfolk, Pearson, p. 138). Exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but some medical research has found that the cerebellum has been shown to be smaller in the brains of those with this disorder. Furthermore, hereditary of genes are suggested by some researches to be predisposed of reduced blood circulation. Many scans of patient’s genes also found a higher concentration of dopamine transporters in the striatum, which is in charge of planning ahead (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, GNU Free Documentation License, p. 6). Some research has determined that diet, social and environment factors, smoking during pregnancy, and head injuries are the possible causes for ADHD. No medical researcher or geneticist has proven that ADHD has a biological basis. Instead many researchers believe that ADHD is psychological in origin. The usual treatments of ADHD are prescription medicine, mostly stimulants. These work by stimulating the areas of the brain responsible for focus, attention, and impulse control. The stimulants activate brain inhibitory and self-organizing mechanisms. This allows the individual to have greater self-regulation. Eighty percent of children with ADHD are more manageable when on medicine (Woolfolk, Pearson, p. 138). For many children there are many negative side effects to taking medicine to control behavior, such as: increased heart rate and blood pressure, interference with growth rate, insomnia, weight loss, and nausea. In addition, there is little known about the long term effect of drug therapy. There is no proof that the drugs will lead to improvement in academic learning or peer relationships. Students on drug therapy appear to improve with behavior and parents and teachers are relived to see positive changes. They sometimes assume the child is cured, but unfortunately, this is not the case.

Parents believing ADHD is a medical problem, stop feeling guilty for their child’s behavior. Thus, since it is a medical problem, they are not responsible for changing the behavior. Parents can also be convinced into thinking that their child has special needs, and that their parenting abilities are inadequate to handle a child under these circumstances. If there had been no invention of ADHD, would parents be disadvantaged in helping their child overcome his/her problems? I think not. Some very influential people could not fit into one-size fits all school system. These are the people who ask “why”. They are the inventors and creators of the things we cannot live without in today’s society. If Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Leonardo de Vinci were labeled with ADHD as children, would they have made the successes that they have? Parents and teachers can easily get recruited into focusing on the quick fix.

Many children who are labeled ADHD think they are sick or dim-witted. Children who are labeled with ADHD often make up excuses that inhibit them. The diagnosis often becomes a wall that parents, teachers, or children cannot see around. It is better to view ADHD as something separate from the child, instead of an illness or disease that exists in his/her brain. Some of the signs of ADHD are students have problems with inattention to tasks or details. The child does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. The child also has problems with impulse control. An example of this would be blurts out answers, has difficulty waiting for a turn, and interrupts or intrudes in conversations or games. If the child has hyperactivity they fidget with hands or squirm, leaves seat when expected to sit down, runs about or climbs excessively, talks excessively, cannot remain still. Children with ADHD are more physically active, have problems staying on task, and may not be able to control their behavior. More boys than girls have been identified with ADHD.

Several children are having problems with hyperactivity and inattention because of underlying stressors and environmental factors, such as: abuse, violence, divorce, and poverty. Each year many of our children experience loss or sustain injuries due to violence and abuse. One in three victims of physical abuse is a baby, less than one year old. In 1990, children who died of abuse and neglect were under the age of five. The leading cause of death among children aged one to four is unintentional injury (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p.127).

Abuse and violence have been growing in our society. Child abuse is not just an individual or family problem. Children who survive abuse grow up more likely to negatively impact our society in many ways. Adults, who have been abused as children, are more likely will abuse their own children; or will use anger, violence, crime, and drugs to overcome the side effects of abuse. Abuse includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and abuse to property and pets. Exposure to violence and abuse can leave children with a sense of vulnerability, and helplessness. When children do not feel a sense of belonging and significance, they usually choose another behavior to compensate. They seek undue attention, misguided power, revenge, or they withdraw into assumed inadequacy. Students who engage in violence have chosen the most terrible kind of revenge. Many children are teased and bullied; they develop a sense of rejection. They are out casts and aliens among their peers. Some children have deep feelings of revenge toward the children who have hurt them. Helping children develop a healthy sense of belonging and significance is the cornerstone to a healthy life (Biederman, M. Evans and Company, Inc, p.223). Physical abuse includes pushing, hitting, slapping, choking, using an object to hit, twisting of a body part, and use of a weapon. Compliance may be obtained from a child through actual or threatened physical force or through some other form of coercion. Psychological abuse may include derogatory statements or threats of further abuse.

Every abuse situation is different, but the outcome of reactions from the child is the same. Still, other children are more deeply affected and experience long term problems. Children who have witnessed violence in their families or communities are also vulnerable to emotional problems (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 162). Their emotional responses can be anger, fear, depression, or withdrawal. These children need support from teachers to prevent further harm.

Loss of trust in adults and fear of the event happening again are very common in children who have been abused. Some typical reactions include extreme withdrawal, disruptive behavior and inability to pay attention, regressive behaviors, nightmares, sleep problems, irrational fears, irritability, refusal to attend school, outbursts of anger and fighting. Some physical signs of distress could be complains of stomachaches or headaches (Brown, The H. W. Wilson Company, p. 173). Many children in a family under stress will withdraw or show signs of depression. Signs of depression might include isolation of one’s self, eating disorders, or even talking about suicide.

When parents are divorcing some children may act out with aggression or defiance. They are afraid of the changes that are coming, or the changes that are already happening to them. The changes bring uncertainty for the future of the child. Sometimes the loss makes them fearful of losing others that they are close to: friends, pets, siblings, and neighbors. Even though many divorces follow years of tension between husband and wife, the tension levels typically increase during, and shortly after a divorce. Most children feel the transition from living with married parents to living with two single parents was the hardest thing to accept (Biederman, M. Evans and Company, Inc., p. 316). When parents start dating new partners, or accepting new siblings from extended families into the child’s home, it can become very traumatic. Divorce can be a very painful experience for all concerned. Parents who try to turn their children against the other spouse create an impossible situation for their child. It is better to nurture the child’s individual likes and dislikes, instead of trying to make them fit or adjust to the changes. In the absence of effective parental explanations about what happened in the divorce children will fill the void with their own conclusions. Some parents have guilt over the divorce and refuse to talk to their children about it. Many children carry unnecessary blame and guilt for their parents getting a divorce.

Today one in four American children lives in a single-parent household. At least 90% of these households are headed by the mother. Many of these mothers receive little or no help from the father (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 7). These mother-only households result in economic deprivation and stress. Children in single parent homes score worse on health, education, and behavioral problems than other children who have both parents. (My teacher, Ms. O’Connor, informed us that 49% of African American families are raised by only one parent in the household.)

Many of these children grow up and become adolescent parents; just like their parents, and may also be high school dropouts (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p.63). More than one million adolescent girls become pregnant every year. Adolescent girls are neither financially nor emotionally prepared for parenthood. These girls have to postpone their education, and many are on long-term welfare programs. Children of adolescent parents often suffer from poor health and poor scholastic performance.

Most children growing up in poverty under the age of three have at least one parent working. However, their parent’s wages are low, and so they cannot afford adequate housing, transportation, childcare, and health care. Children from poverty are often hungry or inadequately nourished. Many families have no choice but to live in overcrowded housing, in an unsafe building, and/or unsafe neighborhoods. Approximately 100,000 American children are homeless every night (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 127).

Poor parents are often young, raising children alone, with few or no support from friends or family. Most of today’s families seem far more isolated from family, friends, and community. Families in poverty are lacking at least one resource, out of the eight discussed in Ruby Payne’s book. These resources are: financial, emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, support system, relationships/role models, and knowledge of hidden rules (Payne, aha! process, p.16). Young families move often and are less likely to live near extended family networks. Varied work schedules make it more difficult for parents to connect with other parents, neighbors, and family. When families are isolated from community and other family members the children suffer. Low-income housing undermines parent’s sense of security and increases their isolation as they struggle to keep their children safe. Many of these children have experienced violence first hand either by being a victim or being a witness. Poverty rates are higher for African Americans, Hispanic families and single parent families. When a child grows up in a poverty family he/she has different values and rules at home than in the school environment. Children have to learn the hidden rules of middle class to become successful at school (Payne, aha! Process, p. 61). Being a teacher in a poverty class school is a challenge because students may respond to a situation in a very different way than expected. Sometimes when children from poverty are disciplined they will laugh, get angry, fight or argue with teacher. These children need role models and relationships with teachers that can show children appropriate ways to behave in school. As children learn about the hidden rules of school they will also learn emotional, and spiritual ways of solving problems as well.

Alcohol and Drugs
Parents who use alcohol and drugs affect their children in detrimental ways. Parents who use illegal drugs, or abuse alcohol are three times more likely to abuse their children, and four times more likely to neglect them ( Pregnant women who use alcohol may have children who suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Fetal alcohol syndrome is the leading environmental cause of mental retardation in the United States. Each year 4,000 to 12,000 babies are born with signs of intellectual disabilities. Many children get insufficient attention from parents who are addicted to substance abuse. Every day at least three children die as a result of neglect ( Most children of alcoholics have experienced some form of neglect or abuse.

Research findings suggest that children of parental alcoholism can suffer negative consequences. School aged children of alcoholic parents often develop academic problems. Some children have to repeat grades due to poor academic performance, cognitive deficiency and motivational difficulties. Many of these children have signs of depression and anxiety, and they are very sensitive to changes. Children from alcoholic parents demonstrate behavioral problems such as: lying, stealing, fighting, overactive and impulsive behavior, and truancy.
The environment in a substance abuse household has lower levels of cohesion, expressiveness, independence, and intellectual direction. Some researchers believe that children of alcoholics may have a genetic component to being vulnerable to alcoholism. Children who grow up with substance abuse are more likely to become substance abusers. Individuals suffering from mental health disorders may use alcohol and drugs to alleviate their psychological distress. Researchers believe that growing up with alcoholic parents can cause psychological and social dysfunctions. One in five American children lived with an alcoholic while growing up ( These children are at greater risk to develop emotional problems than children of non-alcoholic parents.

Children living with substance abuse frequently have low self-esteem, because they live in an atmosphere of stress and family conflict. Only a few resilient children from homes of alcoholics have the ability to break the cycle of abuse. These children shared some common characteristics with each other: positive attention from other people, adequate communication skills, average intelligence, a caring attitude, a desire to achieve, and a belief in self help. The risk increases for a child when he/she grows up in a single parent household. The children in these households have no positive role models, and live in isolation.

I have learned about many different disabilities and situations that could make teaching in a classroom in today’s society very difficult. Being aware of these tribulations will help me become a more effective teacher. I have come to the conclusion that instead of trying to control the child’s behavior, or punish the child after an incident, I would like to focus on proactive instruction. My research has proven to me that there are many reasons for children to be disruptive in the classroom. I will not be able to influence what is happening to them outside the school. Thus, the problems that face these children everyday cannot be solved by me. However, while these children are under my supervision I can be a positive role model and teacher. I cannot control everything that my children do, but I can control myself. I plan to let the children in my classroom know in advance that I will treat them with respect, and I will treat myself respectfully too. I will demonstrate respect to them, and if they are not respectful to me, they can go to RTC (Responsible thinking Classroom). This of course will be my last resort; I will always try to correct students with compassion and encouragement.
Being able to identify learning styles and using them as a basis for instruction is vitally important for teachers, because of an increasingly diverse student population. It could lead to improved learning and better academic achievement for students. Teachers need to use a variety of instructional styles that will appeal to a variety of learning styles. By using multi-sensory approaches, students will have the opportunity to learn best in their preferred mode (Woolfolk, Pearson, p. 302-304). Even though all of my students will be at the same grade level they may vary in their level of cognitive development, and in their academic knowledge. I will have to determine whether my students are having trouble because they lack the necessary abilities, or because they simply have not learned the basic facts. Students must not be bored by work that is too simple or left behind because they do not understand. At every level of cognitive development students need to be engaged in the learning process. They must be able to incorporate the information I present into their own way of thinking.

As a teacher, I would like to perform the following procedures in my classroom.
· Focus on the talents and skills that these children have, not the labels.
· Avoid making excuses for the child. Look for times of success and achievement.
· Help identify and nurture my child’s unique learning styles.
I feel that once the child has discovered his own learning style he will be more engaged and self-motivated in the learning process.

Students’ beliefs about their own ability to succeed influence their achievement. These beliefs are affected in one way or another by family, teachers, and others. Teaching efficacy is how a teacher helps students learn under any circumstances. Teachers with a high sense of efficacy work harder and persist longer even when students are difficult to teach. These teachers believe in themselves and in their students. It is easier for beginning teachers to have a personal sense of efficacy when schools and other teachers have high expectations for students (Woolfolk, Pearson, p.389).

As each year goes on, behaviors of students will change. Every year will bring new challenges and adventures. Most misbehavior is based on a child’s idea of how to find that sense of belonging, connection, and capability.

Good character education is one way to build a feeling of family in the classroom. A motto could be introduced each month, and said often to encourage children to think positively. An example of this would be: Mistakes are wonderful opportunities to learn. Mistakes are inevitable during any learning process. It is better to let the child clean up their own mess, whatever it is, and then kindly and firmly help them learn how to avoid making the same mistake again. Punishing for mistakes or rescuing children from ever making them will not help children develop perceptions of capability. This is just a sample of different ways to make children have a sense of connection to our goal of learning.

The sooner the students believe that the past is not a predictor of the present, the sooner the student will gain confidence in themselves. When they believe they can accomplish their goals of learning, their chances of success will dramatically improve. Students who have a positive attitude about school generally succeed. It is important to present material in a way that makes it meaningful and retainable. The main goal for a teacher is to empower her students with skills that they will retain long after they have completed the school year. These skills will provide them with confidence to overcome the hardships that they have to endure at home, and in our society.