Friday, August 24, 2007

Juice Fasting: How a juice fast can improve your health

Juice fasting on a regular basis can help improve your overall health and help you to lose weight. It works by giving your digestive system a rest and removes stored toxins from your body. A juice fast will usually last about one to three days, in which you only consume fresh organic fruit and vegetable juice.

I would recommend purchasing a good fruit and vegetable juicing machine. During the fast you will be drinking juice at least every one to two hours. It is important to drink as much juice as you can for optimum health. You will want the freshest healthiest juice available. It is cheaper and healthier to make the juice at home. Some vegetables that are great for a juice fast are carrot, beet, cabbage, spinach, zucchini and even lettuce. Typically the green vegetables are healthiest when fasting. Fruit that is best when you are fasting would be berries, bananas, melons and mangos. Try to stay away from fruit that is highly acidic during the fast.

Juice fasting means you only consume juice and water. Many people are so addicted to coffee. During the fast I would stay away from coffee and cola completely. If you cannot do that, at least limit your intake to one cup a day. Remember you are trying to give your body a chance to heal and cleanse itself.

Some supplements I would suggest would be a quality multi-vitamin, fiber (psyllium husks) and protein powder. The fiber will stimulate your system to expel waste, and is a necessity for fasting. If you do not take the fiber supplement while fasting, you will need to have an enema before you begin the fast. The protein powder will ensure you get enough protein. You can make some tasty fruit smoothies with the protein powder and juice in a blender. When you begin to eat solid food again start gradually. It is better to start with some fresh fruit and eat light.

In my opinion, juice fasting is excellent for your health. Everyone is different and some people may feel uncomfortable with fasting. It is important to stay in touch with how you are feeling. If you feel tired make sure you are getting enough protein. I would recommend a protein fruit smoothie. If you find yourself feeling very hungry, I would go ahead and eat an avocado or banana. If you are in poor health, diabetic or pregnant it is a good idea to get your doctor’s approval before starting a juice fast.

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