Friday, August 17, 2007

My visit to the Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park in Globe, Arizona

This was the first time I ever visited Besh Ba Gowah. When I went it was very quiet, and not very crowded. When I entered the site, a family with two small, noisy children left. At first I was relieved, but then, I started getting nervous because I felt like someone was watching me. While I was walking around a small rabbit kept popping around the ruins looking at me. Every time I tried to find him he would disappear in a hole under the pueblo. The pueblo had so many rooms it seemed almost like a maze. In the still, and quiet of the day, this place seemed very sacred to me. I enjoyed the site, but I wish I would have had a tour guide; I enjoy those so much more. They only have tours for big groups. This is a wonderful place full of history and I would recommend visiting at least once in your lifetime.

The Native Americans that resided in these pueblos had gardens, and hunted for wild game. Archaeologists believe that the pueblos looked like stone that was covered with a smooth dry clay and mud plaster. This plaster was on all of the interior and exterior walls. These people excelled at both farming and hunting. Evidence suggests that the Salado people, or Salt people, were some of the healthiest late prehistoric populations in the American Southwest. This is due to a well balanced diet of both food crops and wild game. The inhabitants of Besh Ba Gowah traded with other distinct people for shell, pottery, cloth and exotic goods. Trade seems to have formed a major cornerstone in Salado life, and Besh Ba Gowah might have served as a major trading center. Within a Salado home, one of the principal chores was preparing food. Salado kitchens were well stocked with tools for harvesting, cleaning, cooking, serving and storing a variety of foods. Stone knives were used to harvest plants, skin and butcher game. Stone hoes were used in growing crops such as corn, beans, squash, and grasses. Manos and metates were used to grind seeds and corn. Pottery was used to store grain, cook meals and serve food. Salado farmers had several different types of farming strategies: dry farming, flood plain farming, and irrigation farming. The Salado hunted for game in the higher surrounding mountains. In addition, wild plant foods and medicines from these mountainous regions were collected and brought back. The Salado people lived in relative peace and tranquility with their neighbors in the surrounding regions. Until, near the end of the 14th century a period of social upheaval began. Climatic changes appeared which caused local streams and water sources to dry up. As food became scarce, residents of many pueblos began to turn on one another. A period of warfare began which may have lead to the abandonment of the region.

The first residents to live at Besh ba Gowah were the Hohokams. Here they lived in large oval houses built in shallow pits. Interior wooden posts supported the walls and roof, which were made of clay covered brush. This earlier Hohokam village may have been occupied from A.D. 800 to A.D. 1150. The Hohokams of Besh Ba Gowah used the distinctive red on buff colored pottery, carved stone bowls and pallets. They also made serrated projectile points and carved shell jewelry. The Hohokam people cremated their dead. At approximately, A.D. 1225 the Salado Native Americans began constructing the pueblo that exists today. This area attracted many settlements because of the availability of water, diverse food source, and a good climate for growing crops. The Salado people abandoned their civilization shortly after A.D. 1400. This area remained deserted until sometime after A.D. 1600. At this time the Apache Native Americans made it their home. The name Besh Ba Gowah comes from the Apache language. It translates in English as, “place of metal” or “metal camp”.

Besh Ba Gowah has a long history of professional work and amateur interest. The first archaeological recordation of Besh Ba Gowah was made by Adolf F. Bandelier on May 18, 1883 as part of a general exploration of the American Southwest. After Bandelier’s early work, little formal site investigation was undertaken until early 1935.

Formal excavation of Besh Ba Gowah began in early 1935 as a Federal Emergency Relief Administration, (FERA) project under the field direction of Irene S. Vickery. In October 1938, the Besh Ba Gowah excavation became a subproject under the Statewide Archaeological Project within the Works Projects Administration (WPA) with Harold Gladwin as the sponsors’ director. Irene Vickery remained as WPA supervisor with Emil Haury, her teacher adding counsel when requested. She worked at Besh Ba Gowah until the day she died. Vickery’s Besh Ba Gowah investigations included the complete excavation of most surface masonry rooms and the recovery of over 350 burials, and their offerings. Vickery’s early illness and then death prevented the completion of the analysis and publication of a final report. After her death the site was not protected for forty years. Total destruction from neglect and erosion was the result of this.

The people that lived at Besh Ba Gowah were very diverse in their crafts and eating habits. They made arrow heads for hunting wild game with metals or rocks found in the soil. They made cloth by weaving cotton and other fibers together. They also made beautifully painted pottery out of the soil found around them. They used this pottery for carrying water, storing and eating food. They had gardens with beans, squash, corn and grasses. These people also had crops to feed small herds of domestic animals. They also knew about natural wild plants that were bountiful in this area. They used wild plants to eat like nuts, berries, and seeds. Some plants were used for weaving baskets, rugs or sandals. The Yucca elata plant roots were mashed or cut up and used for shampoo. The Larrea tridentate leaves were boiled to make a broth used to treat colds, fevers and rheumatism. Besh Ba Gowah was a city within itself. When you enter there is a long corridor, this was the center of the site. It is believed that the pueblo had three stories to many of the buildings. It contained rooms to live, storage areas, a central plaza, burial room, and a ceremonial room. The Besh Ba Gowah people lived in an environment that could be harsh at times. They learned to sustain their culture by using the resources around them. The Besh Ba Gowah site has a lovely botanical garden with many of the same plants that the Salado people had.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Goodbye Mister Rogers

Quote: “I feel the greatest gift we can give to anybody is the gift of our honest self.”
Author: Fred Rogers

One of my favorite human beings of all time is Mister Fred Rogers. He was a well known performer who has had a positive impact on many people living in North America. He was born in 1928 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He developed the idea of a children’s show in 1950. In 1963, he was ordained a Presbyterian Minister and practiced his gentle and compassionate ways on the television show, Mister Rogers. In 1963 he had his first show in Canada, and then in 1967, the show was moved to the United States.

This show was loved, and watched by young and old alike. It played for thirty years on the Public Broadcasting System. This is the longest running show in PBS history. Mister Fred Rogers played Mr. McFeely on his show. He helped children feel comfortable about their feelings. He also showed different circumstances on the show and how to deal with these situations. By using role play, Mister Rogers taught children how to interact with others in a positive manner.

Fred Rogers not only had an excelling television program that helped children. But he was also honored by President Bush in 2002. Fred Rogers was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom because of his contribution of well being to children, and his career demonstrated the importance of kindness, compassion and learning. Fred Rogers is an American icon for goodness and peace. His cardigan sweater hangs in the Smithsonian Museum to remind us of his goodwill towards all men.

Fred Rogers died in 2003 from stomach cancer. He was only 74 years old. His life was short lived, but his ideas are a part of me. I watched Mister Rogers as a child, and had my children watch the show with me as they grew up. Watching this show was a peaceful time in our family. No one was getting killed or saying obscene language on his show. The show talked about morals, introduced interesting people, and helped children relax.

At this time I am going to college to be a teacher. Fred Rogers taught me to see the goodness of others, and the goodness in myself. “I like me just the way I am.” In this world I don’t have to be perfect, but I do have to show respect to all living creatures. I have learned to take responsibility for all my actions, no matter how small. I instill these qualities into my children, and hopefully into my classroom. I think this world needs more people like Mr. Rogers.


Are cigarette-warning labels in the United States strong enough?

The text warning labels on packages of cigarettes in the United States have not significantly changed in years. Many smokers have become so accustomed to the warning label; they no longer even notice them. Several countries outside of the U.S. are using innovation to make that warning label into a picture that will grab everyone’s attention.

Pictures are able to convey an idea in a way that words cannot. The warning pictures show the truth of what smoking will do to you. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.” Due to the fact that our society is being legally poisoned, I hope the United States will want to step up to the plate and institute a more severe warning label system. I suggest the tobacco companies will be responsible for the expense of printing these new labels on every package of cigarettes it produces.

In australia they have cigarette warnings with pictures of how smoking damages your blood vessels preventing proper blood circulation. In Belgium they have pictures of deformed babies. In Brazil they show pictures of tissue necrosis caused by smoking. In Canada they have a picture of 2 little boys with a caption that reads, “Don’t poison us.” In Chile they show a picture of a man with a hole in his throat so he can breathe. In Europe there is a picture of a dead body at the morgue complete with toe tag. In Hong Kong there is a picture showing the aging effects of smoking. In India, there is a picture of a little baby on a respirator. In Jordan there are pictures of cancer infected lungs. In New Zealand there is a picture of rotting teeth with mouth cancer caused by smoking. In Romania it shows a picture of a limp cigarette representing sexual impotence that smoking causes. In Singapore there are pictures of neck cancer and miscarried babies. In Thailand there is a picture of a stroke victim caused by smoking. In Uruguay there are pictures showing the effects of second hand smoke. In Venezuela there is a picture of fists that are handcuffed and tied by a burning cigarette representing the prison of addiction. This list is not complete but an example. All of these countries have more than one picture to represent the extreme danger of smoking.

In addition, most of these countries outside of the US also demand more space for warning on the cigarette package. Many require up to 50% of the space on the package, and also to be on front and back. I strongly believe US cigarette warning labels need to be brought up to date and improved.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Behavior Management in the Classroom


Behavior management in the classroom is an issue that teachers deal with on a daily basis. There are numerous reasons, which result in emotional and behavioral upsets in the classroom. Moreover, schools have been hastily altered to meet the undeniable changes our society has undergone in the last four decades. Additionally, along with society, families with children have also rapidly changed within the last 40 years.

In the 1960’s, families and individuals started to change, for example, teen youth and young adults challenged authority. Young adults saw themselves as deserving more and owing their families less. Women began to achieve more independence through paid employment, and the sexual revolution made marriage less necessary for sexual fulfillment. Men and women both began opting out of unhappy marriages, instead of staying together (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 10).

By the 1980’s the ideal family made a radical shift. The American family was changing into a plethora of different family types: dual-career families, never married families, divorced families, stepfamilies and gay and lesbian families. As the family began to change, members were confused about what role or roles they were to play. The father was not the only main source of income in the household, or sometimes a father was not even present at all. The mother was struggling to maintain household duties, take care of the needs of her children, and work a forty-hour workweek.

Childhood in America has also changed in some unsettling ways too. Mothers with children under the age of six years old are now the fastest growing sector of the labor force (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 7). Inflation has made it necessary for two incomes to be brought into the household to maintain the standard of living that the previous generation had maintained with only one income. In addition, both men and women are working longer hours per week. Thus, parents are working longer hours, and sadly the number of children growing up below the poverty level is increasing. Consequently, the amount of time that parents have to spend with, and raise their children has been declining also.

With so many parents working more hours out of the home, eminence childcare is under strain. The demand for quality childcare is rising. Parents of small children have to settle for a less desirable babysitter just to make ends meet. Many childcare providers get tired of the long hours and constant nurturing of children who are ill mannered. Parents are tired after long hours of work, and only ask their children questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. Some children do not even have conversations with their parents.

The stress puts an added strain on the single parent because she/he has only one income, and only a certain amount of time. Single parent households have many responsibilities to their children. They are required to provide for the children financially, emotionally, and physically. Some families can scarcely pay for shelter and food per month.

With rising divorce rates, the nuclear family seems to have collapsed in a single century. I have chosen this topic because as a parent I have seen many changes in our schools and my personal life. My children are widely spaced in their ages because I was a young, single mother. My first child entered kindergarten in 1985, and my last child entered kindergarten in 2001. Through my personal experience I have discovered that not only are there hidden rules in society, but there are also hidden rules about what is expected from a parent.

I remember when my eldest daughter was having a school party. I packed her a bag of store bought cookies, sent her to school, and off to work I went. My daughter was so sad when I picked her up from the babysitter. Kids made fun of her because the cookies weren’t homemade. Now, fifteen years later, teachers prefer store bought items for parties because of the prevalence of hepatitis. It was very hard for me as a young mother. There were many hidden rules that I did not know. Many of the other parents wouldn’t talk to me because I was a “single parent”. They assumed that I was an incompetent mother and that my daughter was less than the other children. However, I think this empowered me to push my daughter to be the best. (I have succeeded, because she is the best!)

It is hard to find “normal” consistencies for many of the children in the schools of today. Sometimes I look in their eyes and I feel their pain. Being an employee of the school district, I have been exposed to personal details of the children’s family history. The problems that the children are having today are many of the same problems their parents had as well. It seems to be a downward spiraling staircase of dysfunction. There are so many different situations that come up at school that have perplexed me, and broken my heart. The teachers try many different approaches to find the students learning process. Children have to learn to find their inner strength, so that they can prevail regardless of the challenges they face. Each child has to learn the middle class rules to succeed at school and work. By containing the generational problem, the child will transform into a responsible adult. A teacher’s task is overwhelming to me. It has taken me so long to decide to go to school to be a teacher because I doubted my qualifications. To educate and change someone while they are screaming and fighting against you is definitely a challenge. Teachers of today are mentors for children that are lost in the fast paced society that we live in. Teachers don’t give up; they are pillars that hold up the future of our world.

Unfortunately, more and more children are being diagnosed with medical conditions, and treated with medications. Several children are having problems with hyperactivity and inattention because of underlying stressors and environmental factors, such as: abuse, violence, divorce, and poverty. One of the most common childhood diagnoses is ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is thought to be a neurological disorder, usually diagnosed in childhood. ADHD should only be diagnosed from a trained health care provider because some symptoms are similar to hyperthyroidism or other similar illnesses.
In most cases diagnosis is determined upon observations and opinions of those who are closest to the patient: parents, teachers, and childcare providers. The symptoms of ADHD fall into two broad categories: inattention and hyperactivity-impulse behavior. ADHD has been found to exist in every country and culture; however, it is most common in the United States. Virtually four million children in the United States, younger than 18, have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, GNU Free Documentation License, p. 5). Today there is an increase of drug therapy for ADHD. Nearly 1.3 million American children take Ritalin, a 250% increase since 1990 (Woolfolk, Pearson, p. 138). Exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but some medical research has found that the cerebellum has been shown to be smaller in the brains of those with this disorder. Furthermore, hereditary of genes are suggested by some researches to be predisposed of reduced blood circulation. Many scans of patient’s genes also found a higher concentration of dopamine transporters in the striatum, which is in charge of planning ahead (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, GNU Free Documentation License, p. 6). Some research has determined that diet, social and environment factors, smoking during pregnancy, and head injuries are the possible causes for ADHD. No medical researcher or geneticist has proven that ADHD has a biological basis. Instead many researchers believe that ADHD is psychological in origin. The usual treatments of ADHD are prescription medicine, mostly stimulants. These work by stimulating the areas of the brain responsible for focus, attention, and impulse control. The stimulants activate brain inhibitory and self-organizing mechanisms. This allows the individual to have greater self-regulation. Eighty percent of children with ADHD are more manageable when on medicine (Woolfolk, Pearson, p. 138). For many children there are many negative side effects to taking medicine to control behavior, such as: increased heart rate and blood pressure, interference with growth rate, insomnia, weight loss, and nausea. In addition, there is little known about the long term effect of drug therapy. There is no proof that the drugs will lead to improvement in academic learning or peer relationships. Students on drug therapy appear to improve with behavior and parents and teachers are relived to see positive changes. They sometimes assume the child is cured, but unfortunately, this is not the case.

Parents believing ADHD is a medical problem, stop feeling guilty for their child’s behavior. Thus, since it is a medical problem, they are not responsible for changing the behavior. Parents can also be convinced into thinking that their child has special needs, and that their parenting abilities are inadequate to handle a child under these circumstances. If there had been no invention of ADHD, would parents be disadvantaged in helping their child overcome his/her problems? I think not. Some very influential people could not fit into one-size fits all school system. These are the people who ask “why”. They are the inventors and creators of the things we cannot live without in today’s society. If Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Leonardo de Vinci were labeled with ADHD as children, would they have made the successes that they have? Parents and teachers can easily get recruited into focusing on the quick fix.

Many children who are labeled ADHD think they are sick or dim-witted. Children who are labeled with ADHD often make up excuses that inhibit them. The diagnosis often becomes a wall that parents, teachers, or children cannot see around. It is better to view ADHD as something separate from the child, instead of an illness or disease that exists in his/her brain. Some of the signs of ADHD are students have problems with inattention to tasks or details. The child does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. The child also has problems with impulse control. An example of this would be blurts out answers, has difficulty waiting for a turn, and interrupts or intrudes in conversations or games. If the child has hyperactivity they fidget with hands or squirm, leaves seat when expected to sit down, runs about or climbs excessively, talks excessively, cannot remain still. Children with ADHD are more physically active, have problems staying on task, and may not be able to control their behavior. More boys than girls have been identified with ADHD.

Several children are having problems with hyperactivity and inattention because of underlying stressors and environmental factors, such as: abuse, violence, divorce, and poverty. Each year many of our children experience loss or sustain injuries due to violence and abuse. One in three victims of physical abuse is a baby, less than one year old. In 1990, children who died of abuse and neglect were under the age of five. The leading cause of death among children aged one to four is unintentional injury (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p.127).

Abuse and violence have been growing in our society. Child abuse is not just an individual or family problem. Children who survive abuse grow up more likely to negatively impact our society in many ways. Adults, who have been abused as children, are more likely will abuse their own children; or will use anger, violence, crime, and drugs to overcome the side effects of abuse. Abuse includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and abuse to property and pets. Exposure to violence and abuse can leave children with a sense of vulnerability, and helplessness. When children do not feel a sense of belonging and significance, they usually choose another behavior to compensate. They seek undue attention, misguided power, revenge, or they withdraw into assumed inadequacy. Students who engage in violence have chosen the most terrible kind of revenge. Many children are teased and bullied; they develop a sense of rejection. They are out casts and aliens among their peers. Some children have deep feelings of revenge toward the children who have hurt them. Helping children develop a healthy sense of belonging and significance is the cornerstone to a healthy life (Biederman, M. Evans and Company, Inc, p.223). Physical abuse includes pushing, hitting, slapping, choking, using an object to hit, twisting of a body part, and use of a weapon. Compliance may be obtained from a child through actual or threatened physical force or through some other form of coercion. Psychological abuse may include derogatory statements or threats of further abuse.

Every abuse situation is different, but the outcome of reactions from the child is the same. Still, other children are more deeply affected and experience long term problems. Children who have witnessed violence in their families or communities are also vulnerable to emotional problems (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 162). Their emotional responses can be anger, fear, depression, or withdrawal. These children need support from teachers to prevent further harm.

Loss of trust in adults and fear of the event happening again are very common in children who have been abused. Some typical reactions include extreme withdrawal, disruptive behavior and inability to pay attention, regressive behaviors, nightmares, sleep problems, irrational fears, irritability, refusal to attend school, outbursts of anger and fighting. Some physical signs of distress could be complains of stomachaches or headaches (Brown, The H. W. Wilson Company, p. 173). Many children in a family under stress will withdraw or show signs of depression. Signs of depression might include isolation of one’s self, eating disorders, or even talking about suicide.

When parents are divorcing some children may act out with aggression or defiance. They are afraid of the changes that are coming, or the changes that are already happening to them. The changes bring uncertainty for the future of the child. Sometimes the loss makes them fearful of losing others that they are close to: friends, pets, siblings, and neighbors. Even though many divorces follow years of tension between husband and wife, the tension levels typically increase during, and shortly after a divorce. Most children feel the transition from living with married parents to living with two single parents was the hardest thing to accept (Biederman, M. Evans and Company, Inc., p. 316). When parents start dating new partners, or accepting new siblings from extended families into the child’s home, it can become very traumatic. Divorce can be a very painful experience for all concerned. Parents who try to turn their children against the other spouse create an impossible situation for their child. It is better to nurture the child’s individual likes and dislikes, instead of trying to make them fit or adjust to the changes. In the absence of effective parental explanations about what happened in the divorce children will fill the void with their own conclusions. Some parents have guilt over the divorce and refuse to talk to their children about it. Many children carry unnecessary blame and guilt for their parents getting a divorce.

Today one in four American children lives in a single-parent household. At least 90% of these households are headed by the mother. Many of these mothers receive little or no help from the father (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 7). These mother-only households result in economic deprivation and stress. Children in single parent homes score worse on health, education, and behavioral problems than other children who have both parents. (My teacher, Ms. O’Connor, informed us that 49% of African American families are raised by only one parent in the household.)

Many of these children grow up and become adolescent parents; just like their parents, and may also be high school dropouts (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p.63). More than one million adolescent girls become pregnant every year. Adolescent girls are neither financially nor emotionally prepared for parenthood. These girls have to postpone their education, and many are on long-term welfare programs. Children of adolescent parents often suffer from poor health and poor scholastic performance.

Most children growing up in poverty under the age of three have at least one parent working. However, their parent’s wages are low, and so they cannot afford adequate housing, transportation, childcare, and health care. Children from poverty are often hungry or inadequately nourished. Many families have no choice but to live in overcrowded housing, in an unsafe building, and/or unsafe neighborhoods. Approximately 100,000 American children are homeless every night (Brown, The H.W. Wilson Company, p. 127).

Poor parents are often young, raising children alone, with few or no support from friends or family. Most of today’s families seem far more isolated from family, friends, and community. Families in poverty are lacking at least one resource, out of the eight discussed in Ruby Payne’s book. These resources are: financial, emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, support system, relationships/role models, and knowledge of hidden rules (Payne, aha! process, p.16). Young families move often and are less likely to live near extended family networks. Varied work schedules make it more difficult for parents to connect with other parents, neighbors, and family. When families are isolated from community and other family members the children suffer. Low-income housing undermines parent’s sense of security and increases their isolation as they struggle to keep their children safe. Many of these children have experienced violence first hand either by being a victim or being a witness. Poverty rates are higher for African Americans, Hispanic families and single parent families. When a child grows up in a poverty family he/she has different values and rules at home than in the school environment. Children have to learn the hidden rules of middle class to become successful at school (Payne, aha! Process, p. 61). Being a teacher in a poverty class school is a challenge because students may respond to a situation in a very different way than expected. Sometimes when children from poverty are disciplined they will laugh, get angry, fight or argue with teacher. These children need role models and relationships with teachers that can show children appropriate ways to behave in school. As children learn about the hidden rules of school they will also learn emotional, and spiritual ways of solving problems as well.

Alcohol and Drugs
Parents who use alcohol and drugs affect their children in detrimental ways. Parents who use illegal drugs, or abuse alcohol are three times more likely to abuse their children, and four times more likely to neglect them ( Pregnant women who use alcohol may have children who suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Fetal alcohol syndrome is the leading environmental cause of mental retardation in the United States. Each year 4,000 to 12,000 babies are born with signs of intellectual disabilities. Many children get insufficient attention from parents who are addicted to substance abuse. Every day at least three children die as a result of neglect ( Most children of alcoholics have experienced some form of neglect or abuse.

Research findings suggest that children of parental alcoholism can suffer negative consequences. School aged children of alcoholic parents often develop academic problems. Some children have to repeat grades due to poor academic performance, cognitive deficiency and motivational difficulties. Many of these children have signs of depression and anxiety, and they are very sensitive to changes. Children from alcoholic parents demonstrate behavioral problems such as: lying, stealing, fighting, overactive and impulsive behavior, and truancy.
The environment in a substance abuse household has lower levels of cohesion, expressiveness, independence, and intellectual direction. Some researchers believe that children of alcoholics may have a genetic component to being vulnerable to alcoholism. Children who grow up with substance abuse are more likely to become substance abusers. Individuals suffering from mental health disorders may use alcohol and drugs to alleviate their psychological distress. Researchers believe that growing up with alcoholic parents can cause psychological and social dysfunctions. One in five American children lived with an alcoholic while growing up ( These children are at greater risk to develop emotional problems than children of non-alcoholic parents.

Children living with substance abuse frequently have low self-esteem, because they live in an atmosphere of stress and family conflict. Only a few resilient children from homes of alcoholics have the ability to break the cycle of abuse. These children shared some common characteristics with each other: positive attention from other people, adequate communication skills, average intelligence, a caring attitude, a desire to achieve, and a belief in self help. The risk increases for a child when he/she grows up in a single parent household. The children in these households have no positive role models, and live in isolation.

I have learned about many different disabilities and situations that could make teaching in a classroom in today’s society very difficult. Being aware of these tribulations will help me become a more effective teacher. I have come to the conclusion that instead of trying to control the child’s behavior, or punish the child after an incident, I would like to focus on proactive instruction. My research has proven to me that there are many reasons for children to be disruptive in the classroom. I will not be able to influence what is happening to them outside the school. Thus, the problems that face these children everyday cannot be solved by me. However, while these children are under my supervision I can be a positive role model and teacher. I cannot control everything that my children do, but I can control myself. I plan to let the children in my classroom know in advance that I will treat them with respect, and I will treat myself respectfully too. I will demonstrate respect to them, and if they are not respectful to me, they can go to RTC (Responsible thinking Classroom). This of course will be my last resort; I will always try to correct students with compassion and encouragement.
Being able to identify learning styles and using them as a basis for instruction is vitally important for teachers, because of an increasingly diverse student population. It could lead to improved learning and better academic achievement for students. Teachers need to use a variety of instructional styles that will appeal to a variety of learning styles. By using multi-sensory approaches, students will have the opportunity to learn best in their preferred mode (Woolfolk, Pearson, p. 302-304). Even though all of my students will be at the same grade level they may vary in their level of cognitive development, and in their academic knowledge. I will have to determine whether my students are having trouble because they lack the necessary abilities, or because they simply have not learned the basic facts. Students must not be bored by work that is too simple or left behind because they do not understand. At every level of cognitive development students need to be engaged in the learning process. They must be able to incorporate the information I present into their own way of thinking.

As a teacher, I would like to perform the following procedures in my classroom.
· Focus on the talents and skills that these children have, not the labels.
· Avoid making excuses for the child. Look for times of success and achievement.
· Help identify and nurture my child’s unique learning styles.
I feel that once the child has discovered his own learning style he will be more engaged and self-motivated in the learning process.

Students’ beliefs about their own ability to succeed influence their achievement. These beliefs are affected in one way or another by family, teachers, and others. Teaching efficacy is how a teacher helps students learn under any circumstances. Teachers with a high sense of efficacy work harder and persist longer even when students are difficult to teach. These teachers believe in themselves and in their students. It is easier for beginning teachers to have a personal sense of efficacy when schools and other teachers have high expectations for students (Woolfolk, Pearson, p.389).

As each year goes on, behaviors of students will change. Every year will bring new challenges and adventures. Most misbehavior is based on a child’s idea of how to find that sense of belonging, connection, and capability.

Good character education is one way to build a feeling of family in the classroom. A motto could be introduced each month, and said often to encourage children to think positively. An example of this would be: Mistakes are wonderful opportunities to learn. Mistakes are inevitable during any learning process. It is better to let the child clean up their own mess, whatever it is, and then kindly and firmly help them learn how to avoid making the same mistake again. Punishing for mistakes or rescuing children from ever making them will not help children develop perceptions of capability. This is just a sample of different ways to make children have a sense of connection to our goal of learning.

The sooner the students believe that the past is not a predictor of the present, the sooner the student will gain confidence in themselves. When they believe they can accomplish their goals of learning, their chances of success will dramatically improve. Students who have a positive attitude about school generally succeed. It is important to present material in a way that makes it meaningful and retainable. The main goal for a teacher is to empower her students with skills that they will retain long after they have completed the school year. These skills will provide them with confidence to overcome the hardships that they have to endure at home, and in our society.

I am an introvert

I am single, never married and just turned 40. Sometimes I feel I must be an alien from outer space. All the people around me are trying to hook up. I have just never had that desire to spend lots of time with anyone except myself. Oh sure, I enjoy hanging out with my dog. My cats are fun to watch. Human companionship is another story though. I am an extreme introvert. I don’t want to go out. I don’t want a boyfriend. I sure don’t want to get married. I would only be happy living by myself.

These feelings started pretty early in life. I grew up in a somewhat large family of five kids. When I was growing up I would hide in all kinds of places so no one could find me. I really wanted to be alone. I was also extremely shy. In elementary school I hardly spoke at all. I was drawn into the world of Rebecca, and was happy there. I guess you could say that I am just anti-social. I don’t think it is my parent’s fault, I think I was just born that way. For fun I like to read. I really do believe silence is golden.

My evil twin is my sister Kim. She is a raging extrovert with a type A personality. I will always remember one conversation we had. We had just finished visiting our parents and she was driving me home. I was exhausted and she asked me if being around people all day makes me tired. She understood. Being around people takes away my energy. I need to be alone to rejuvenate myself. She said that for her being around people is what feeds her energy. Being alone makes her tired. I realized that is the primary difference between an introvert and an extrovert. If you are an introvert people take your energy away. If you are an extrovert people give you energy.

I don’t want to change. I am not trying to improve. I’m not interested in taking a class on how I can feel comfortable giving a speech in front of 5 gazillion people. I am an introvert who quite possibly will become an anti-social old hermit, and I am very happy with that real possibility. You just don’t hear my view as often because all the extroverts are talking so loudly they drown us out. I just want to be accepted for who I am. I am an introvert.